Keeping with the Government of Yukon’s commitment to work in partnership with municipal governments to effectively deliver services for Yukoners, Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn today tabled Bill No. 26, an amendment to the Municipal Act, which would increase terms of office for elected members of Yukon municipal and local advisory councils from three years to four. This change would support municipal leadership in meeting the long-term needs of growing Yukon communities.
This bill follows a resolution passed unanimously in May 2022 by the Association of Yukon Communities requesting the Yukon government consider extending the term of office for municipal councils before the next general election in October 2024. The resolution also directed the organization to work with the Government of Yukon to seek Yukoners’ input on a possible term extension.
Yukoners were asked for input last September on extending terms of office for municipal and local advisory councils from three years to four. In total, 63 per cent of respondents supported the change.
We are committed to effective local governance and sustainable services in the Yukon. Communities have grown, leading to greater demands on local government leaders to plan and administer services and programs. A longer term of service will support the goals of our elected officials. I thank all Yukoners whose thoughtful comments helped us move forward with changes to the Municipal Act.
The Association of Yukon Communities is thankful for the collaborative partnership with the Government of Yukon on moving forward on this priority. This important piece of legislation directly comes from a resolution that passed at our Annual General Meeting less than a year ago. Increasing the length of term for municipal governments to four years will allow them to better address the growing challenges being faced by local governments. I want to thank the Government of Yukon, the Department of Community Services, and the Minister for taking action on this issue so quickly. We look forward to continuing our partnership with the government on identifying and implementing joint priorities as we work to improve support for municipal orders of government.
The Municipal Act governs local governments in the Yukon, including municipalities and local advisory councils. Any changes to term of office require public engagement prior to making amendments to the legislation.
The Yukon and Northwest Territories are the only jurisdictions in Canada with
three-year terms for municipal governments. -
In March 2022, the Government of Yukon and Association of Yukon Communities signed a renewed partnership agreement. The agreement sets the foundation for how the two parties will work together over the next three years, based on principles of fairness, cooperation and collaboration.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Bonnie Venton Ross
Communications, Community Services