Yukon firefighters deployed to British Columbia to support challenging wildfire response

The Government of Yukon has sent 40 wildland firefighters and four supervisory staff to support British Columbia’s ongoing wildfire response. The crews left the Yukon for Kamloops, B.C., on Monday, August 16, for a 19-day deployment.

By helping to respond to wildfires in B.C., Wildland Fire Management is balancing its responsibility to protect Yukon communities from wildland fire and flood risk with the opportunity to support the territory’s neighbours. B.C. has often provided wildfire response support to the Yukon.

The deployment also gives Yukon firefighters the ability to broaden their experience.

Yukon firefighters have a long history of helping other provinces and territories during difficult fire seasons. While the weather close to home has turned a bit cool, a hot summer is still challenging wildfire agencies across western and central Canada. I am proud that we can be good neighbours during these difficult times.

Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn

Quick facts
  • The deployment includes:

    • one 18-person, type-1 sustained-action crew;
    • three four-person, type-1 initial-attack crews;
    • one 10-person, type-2 sustained-action crew; and
    • four supervisory officers including an agency representative, a division supervisor and two strike-team leaders.
  • Teams have been drawn from the Yukon’s six wildfire regions including Dawson, Carmacks and Southern Lakes, and from Yukon First Nations Wildfire.

  • Provinces and territories share firefighting resources within Canada through the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC).

  • Sustained hot and dry conditions across B.C. triggered the request for help.

  • The Yukon’s type-1 initial-attack firefighters are trained to a national standard so they can work seamlessly across Canada. Type-2 firefighters are trained to a level that allows them to safely work in conditions of decreased fire behaviour.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Mike Fancie
Fire Information Officer, Community Services

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