Joint news release with Yukon Employees' Union
The Government of Yukon and the government’s largest employee group, represented by the Public Service Alliance of Canada and Yukon Employees’ Union members, have ratified a new three-year collective agreement. The agreement will expire on December 31, 2021.
In addition to a general wage increase, the revised agreement includes improvements to other provisions: shift premiums; community living allowances; critical incident leave; and market adjustments for specific groups of employees.
The collective agreement covers approximately 4,100 Public Service Alliance of Canada and Yukon Employees’ Union members.
This new collective agreement balances the needs of our employees with Government of Yukon’s commitment to providing excellent public services for the people of Yukon. Thank you to the bargaining teams for their collaborative and respectful approach to reaching an agreement that will continue to provide benefits for government employees.
Many hours of hard work by the bargaining teams over the last 9 months have led to a collective agreement that will guide us through the next three years. Thanks to the membership for clearly identifying what their priorities for this round were and supporting the teams through the process.
The new Yukon Employees’ Union collective agreement includes:
- Yearly salary increases totalling 5.25 per cent over three years.
- The annual maximum of each pay band will be increased by $420 effective January 1, 2020.
- Effective January 1, 2020, shift premiums will be increased from $1.50 per hour to $2.25 per hour for actual hours worked within a 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. window.
- Effective January 1, 2020, weekend premiums will be increased from $1.50 per hour to $2.25 per hour.
- A new Supplementary Market Adjustment payment of $12,000 per year has been added for nurse practitioners.
- A new Supplementary Market Adjustment of 10 per cent has been added for airport firefighter positions.
- Community allowances and remote premiums have been increased by five percent.
- New critical incident leave provisions allow an employee, who experiences a work-related traumatic incident(s), to receive leave without loss of pay for the remainder of the scheduled work day.
Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications
Zara Soukoroff
Communications and Engagement Analyst
Public Service Commission
Steve Geick
President, Yukon Employees' Union