The Yukon Association for Community Living has been awarded $10,516 through the Government of Yukon’s Community Development Fund.
The association will use the funding to hire a consultant to research possibilities for community-based economic development. Yukoners with physical or cognitive challenges often face difficulties finding employment – this research will look into the development of opportunities to remove those barriers and contribute to the local economy.
The project will provide 124 hours of employment for the consultant.
In all, 12 organizations – including the Liard First Nation, Dawson City Museum and the Writing With Light Society – were awarded a combined $157,449 from the October 12, 2017, Tier 1 Community Development Fund intake. The projects will provide more than 865 hours of employment for approximately 20 people.
The fund supports projects based upon merit and their ability to provide long-term social, cultural and economic benefits to Yukon communities.
Building capacity in Yukon communities is an exciting opportunity that requires community involvement. We are committed to supporting local solutions for local problems, and by exploring social enterprise scenarios, rural Yukoners with employment barriers can shape solutions that work for them. We’re happy to fund this initiative, which could bring increased training, employment and social supports to Yukon communities.
We really appreciate the funding support from the Government of Yukon’s Department of Economic Development. This will allow us to explore community-based ventures that are inclusive and that celebrate diversity. Social enterprise models can range from agricultural projects to new tourism initiatives, so we’re excited to hear about the possible opportunities and passions of rural Yukon communities.
The Community Development Fund is divided into three tiers with five intake deadlines:
- Tier I: Applications of $20,000 or less (intake deadlines in January, May, July and October).
- Tier 2: Applications of $20,001 to $75,000 (intake deadline in May and September).
- Tier 3: Applications of $75,001 or more (intake deadline in January)
Community Development Fund Tier 1 approved projects
October 12, 2017, intake
Town of Faro - $10,000 – To purchase a new skate-sharpening machine. The arena offers public skating, hockey practices, adult hockey, learn-to-skate programs, hockey tournaments, and school programming. All of these programs and users will benefit from a new skate sharpener. Contact: Roger Bower at (867) 994-2375.
Marsh Lake Community Society - $17,373 – To purchase new trail-maintenance equipment for use on Marsh Lake Community Society’s multi-use trials. The 50-kilometre trail system is a valuable asset to the community and visitors. The new equipment will make the maintenance of the trails easier and faster for volunteers, and create well-groomed, safer trails. Contact: Vanessa Pasula at (867) 660-4999.
Skills Canada Yukon - $19,642 – To hold a 20th anniversary event that profiles past winners of trades and technology competitions. The event will inspire the next generation of skilled tradespeople in Yukon. It will create 65 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Tracy Erman at (867) 668-2709.
Les EssentiElles - $19,361 – To hire a consulting firm to develop a five-year strategic plan in consultation with its members and partners. The main objective is to identify current and future needs among Francophone women in Yukon. Contact: Elaine Michaud at (867) 668-2636.
Yukon Association for Community Living - $10,516 – To hire a consultant to explore social enterprise opportunities in rural Yukon through community engagement. The goal is to spark interest in developing a model for social enterprise that can provide employment for physically- and cognitively-challenged residents while contributing to the local economy. The project will create 124 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Colette Acheson at (867) 667- 4606.
Writing With Light Society - $11,754 – To host a one-day photographic storytelling conference for industry professionals and the broader community. The aim is to build skills and competency, and expand the economic and social impact of visual storytelling in Yukon. The project will create 100+ hours of employment for 10 people. Contact: Matt Jacques at (867) 333-9667.
Skookum Jim Friendship Centre - $5,800 – To hire a facilitator for a seven-day governance and strategic planning forum in order to develop a five-year strategic plan. It will help Skookum Jim Friendship Centre identify gaps in service, better prepare for funding fluctuations, and provide services that focus on long-term needs. The project will create 81 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Marney Paradis at (867) 633-7687.
Nakai Theatre Ensemble - $12,000 – To hire an industry professional to facilitate and help develop a four-year strategic plan. It will allow Nakai Theatre Ensemble to address new federal priorities and changing technology in order to disseminate and promote the work of Yukon artists. The project will create 80 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Jacob Zimmer at (647) 895-5025.
Yukon Historical & Museum Association - $11,703 – To hire a consultant to develop a five-year strategic plan. It will incorporate research and engagement analysis and update the organization’s mission and vision. The project will create 96 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Lianne Maitland at (867) 667-4704.
Liard First Nation - $20,000 – To hire a facilitator to help the community develop a plan for establishing an Aboriginal Friendship Center in Watson Lake. The project will create 176 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Sue Chief at (867) 536-7901.
Dawson City Museum - $15,300 – To hire a consultant to conduct a feasibility study of the museum’s renovation and exhibit design plans. This will help it access federal funding for the actual renovations and exhibits. The project will create 93 hours of employment for three people. Contact: Alex Somerville at (867) 993-5291.
Association of Yukon Communities - $4,000 – To obtain a review by a Professional Registered Parliamentarian of AYC governing documents. The project will create 50 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Bev Buckway at (867) 668-4388.
Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
Juliann Fraser
Communications, Economic Development
Colette Acheson, Executive Director
Yukon Association for Community Living