Yukon and Quebec governments invest $100,000 to support Yukon’s Francophonie

This is a joint news release with the Government of Quebec.

The Government of Yukon and the Government of Quebec will invest $100,000 towards the Intergovernmental Cooperation Program for 2020–21. The program supports initiatives that promote the vitality of the Yukon Francophonie by strengthening ties between Quebec and Yukon’s Francophone communities.

Both Yukon and Quebec governments will double their financial contributions to the program, taking it from $25,000 to $50,000 each. The Government of Yukon is committing to this increase in response to the positive impact of previously funded projects as well as the popularity of the program, which received a record number of applications last year. Since 2016, the governments of Yukon and Quebec have funded 23 community projects through the program.

The deadline for submitting project proposals for 2020-2021 will close on March 31, 2020.

I am excited to double our contribution to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Program. I am grateful for Quebec’s unwavering commitment to fostering a vibrant Francophonie here in Yukon. By harnessing the power of connection, the program showcases a united Francophonie across the country while supporting initiatives that impact Yukon’s Francophone community in a substantial way.

Minister responsible for the French Language Services Directorate John Streicker

I welcome the Government of Yukon's initiative and, more specifically, the valuable support of my colleague, the Minister responsible for the French Language Services Directorate.

The enhanced budget will allow us to better support those who, on a daily basis, develop the relationship between Quebecers and Francophones and Francophiles in Yukon.

This concrete commitment to promote the Francophonie is an example of the power of cooperation.

This spirit of cooperation will serve to inspire upcoming discussions during the Sommet sur le rapprochement des francophonies canadiennes, which will be held in Quebec City on June 16 and 17.

Quebec Minister responsible for Canadian Relations and Canadian Francophonie Sonia LeBel

Quick facts
  • 23 community projects have been funded through the Quebec-Yukon Intergovernmental Cooperation Program since the governments of Yukon and Quebec renewed a five-year agreement valued at $250,000 in 2016.

  •  Examples of previously funded projects include

    • Symposiums for early childhood workers and parents.
    • A colloquium on mental health in Yukon.
    • Establishing a partnership to provide a telephone help line in French in Yukon.
    • A community forum on aging in French in Yukon.
    • Mentoring opportunities for artists taking part in a multidisciplinary show.
  • All projects are implemented in collaboration with Quebec-based partners.

  • An information session will be held on March 9, 2020. from 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the French Language Services Directorate office located on the third floor at 305 Jarvis Street.

Media contact

Stewart Burnett
Cabinet Communications

Nancy Power
Manager, Communications and Policy

Nicky Cayer
Press Secretary, Cabinet of Quebec Minister of Justice and Minister responsible for Canadian relations and Canadian francophonie

Jean Auclair
Media relations, Direction of communications of Quebec’s Executive Council Office and Treasury Board of Quebec communications Executive
418-643-2001, ext. 4064

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