Charlotte Hrenchuk of the Yukon Status of Women Council has been named as an award recipient for the 2018 Governor General Awards in Commemoration of the Persons Case.
The following is a statement from the Minister responsible for the Women’s Directorate Jeanie Dendys:
I am thrilled to offer my sincerest congratulations to Charlotte Hrenchuk on being awarded the Governor General’s award in Commemoration of the Persons Case. As an award dedicated to honouring those who work to advance gender equality, this award is very well-deserved. For decades, Charlotte has studied the status of women in Yukon. Her research has explored women and homelessness and women in the justice system. Most recently, her work has been instrumental in illuminating the sex trade and trafficking in Yukon. Charlotte has used this information to work with various organizations and levels of government to inform supports for women who are in the sex trade and trafficked. This work is incredibly important and I am proud to see Charlotte’s contributions being recognized nationally.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications