Tomorrow marks the four-year anniversary of the release of Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
This historic report, informed by the voices of family members, survivors of violence, experts and Knowledge Keepers, continues to motivate governments across Canada to act. It clearly acknowledges that Canadian laws and institutions were perpetuating violations against the rights of Indigenous women, girls and Two-Spirit+ people and called on all governments to do more. Through 231 calls for justice, the report also provided direction to governments, institutions, social service providers, industries and all Canadians on what they must all do to effect real change for Indigenous women, girls and Two-Spirit+ people.
On the document’s four-year anniversary, the Yukon Advisory Committee on MMIWG2S+ hears this call to act as strongly as it did when the report was first released. The committee also acknowledges the harsh reality of MMIWG2S+ continues to impact families in the Yukon today. Knowing this, the committee continues to hold families and survivors at the centre of its work and remains committed to realizing Changing the Story to Upholding Dignity and Justice: Yukon’s Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit+ People Strategy.
The final report continues to guide our work to end violence against Indigenous women, girls and Two-Spirit+ people. While we are proud of the milestones we have accomplished so far, we recognize that there is still much work to be done. Our government is committed to working with Yukon First Nations and Indigenous women’s organizations, families, and communities to ensure the rights of Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit+ people are protected and upheld.
Our committee remains committed to a whole-of-Yukon approach to ending the tragedy of MMIWG2S+ in the Yukon. The work underway is complex and involves continued ongoing, coordinated efforts to dismantle the systemic causes of violence against Indigenous women, girls and Two-Spirit+ people. We know that to foster the systemic changes needed, the work must be centred on the insights and needs of Yukon survivors, families and communities and include the knowledge of Indigenous women’s organizations and Yukon First Nations.
On the fourth anniversary of the National Inquiry’s final report, we must acknowledge the contributions of so many brave family members and survivors who helped not only create the final report but who are also continuing to guide our committee in its work. We thank you from deep in our hearts. The work to end violence against Indigenous women, girls and Two-Spirit people must be collaborative. I look forward to working with community partners to continue our journey in making the Yukon a safe and inclusive community for all.
Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls was released on June 3, 2019.
The Yukon Advisory Committee was first formed in 2015 to support the Yukon regional roundtable on missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and Two-Spirit+ people.
The committee is lead by three co-chairs representing Yukon First Nations, Indigenous women’s organizations and the Government of Yukon and includes members representing families, Elders and Indigenous women’s organizations.
The committee released Yukon’s Strategy on MMIWG2S+ in December 2020.
In 2022, the committee held the Yukon’s first accountability forum on the territory’s MMIWG2S+ strategy and released priority action items for the strategy.
In June 2023, the Yukon Advisory Committee will release a full implementation plan for the Yukon’s strategy, which will include specific details to guide the strategy’s partners, as well as holding its second accountability forum.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Sarah Fortin
Communications, WGED