The Youth Roots Grant, a funding opportunity that supports substance use prevention efforts, has awarded $18,500 to four community projects across the Yukon.
This grant focuses on initiatives that build social, emotional and physical spaces where youth can thrive and are less likely to start unhealthy, risk-taking behaviours.
The Youth Roots Grant funding recipients for June 2021 include Big Brothers, Big Sisters Yukon; Boys and Girls Club of Yukon; Village of Carmacks and Village of Teslin. Each recipient’s project details can be found below.
New and existing community-driven initiatives are eligible for the grant. The next deadline to apply is September 13, 2021.
The Youth Roots Grant aims to uplift Yukon youth by creating healthy spaces where they can be themselves, where they are appreciated for who they are, and where they’re challenged to pursue their talents. Working together to connect families, schools and community members into a cohesive youth support team can make all the difference when it comes to substance use prevention. If we lift them up today, they will grow strong tomorrow.
Our Land-Based Initiative is to take a group of youths on a three day canoe trips on Kusawa Lake and the Takhini River. This grant will help acquire gear and training needed to make this adventure a great success. Providing youth with the opportunity to develop skills in regards to substance use while connecting with nature is a true Yukon recipe for success.
The Youth Roots Grant is part of a larger project funded by the Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP) of Health Canada.
In February 2021, the Youth Roots project awarded $40,530 in funding to the following community organizations: Canadian Mental Health Association, F.H. Collins FLEX program, Whitehorse Individual Learning Centre, Single Track to Success, Pavlina Sudrich - Old Crow Cross-Country Ski program and Watson Lake Ninja Training.
June 2021 intake recipients:
Big Brothers, Big Sisters Yukon - $3,500: To run their program ‘Go Girls’ that targets young girls between 12 and 17 years-old. The program creates a safe space to talk about healthy lifestyle choices, nutrition and positive well-being.
Boys and Girls Club of Yukon - $5,000: To run a land-based initiative for youth 14 to 18 years-old that will culminate in a three-day canoe trip on Kusawa Lake and the Takhini River. The planning of the canoe trip will be part of the programming itself and the land-based activities will include a presentation of Weed Out The Risk, a harm reduction-based, interactive educational program informing youth of the risk associated with drinking or being in a vehicle driven by a person under the influence of cannabis.
Village of Carmacks - $5,000: To run a program that will provide youth honorariums to help clean up the trails in and around Carmacks. This program will provide youth opportunities to be supported by peers, have community ownership of nature’s spaces, and develop new skills. Counsellors from Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services will walk with youth, providing opportunities to connect and also to set up a follow-up after the program ends.
Village of Teslin - $5,000: To run a multi-day fall beaver hunt down the Nisutlin River that will combine Village of Teslin Recreation staff, Teslin Tlingit Council Lands Department staff, local Elders and youth. This hunt will help youth develop their love and stewardship of the land by building a stronger foundation of cultural and land-based recreation programs. It offers new experiences that might lead to healthy lifestyle choices in the future.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Julie Ménard
Communications, Health and Social Services