Women’s History Month celebrated with new tourism banners by female artists

A new series of banners featuring the artwork of six Yukon women were unveiled in Whitehorse today in recognition of Women’s History Month.

The selected artists are Emma Barr, Esther Bordet, Amber Church, Maegan Garrett, Violet Gatensby and Sharon Vittrekwa. Their designs explore the themes of Only in the Yukon, Natural Wonders and Transformational Experiences.

Displayed outside the six Yukon visitor information centres, at visitor attractions and along roadways across the territory, the banners welcome visitors and showcase the talents of the territory’s established and emerging artists. The banners will be hung across Whitehorse on October 9, 2020.

This initiative is part of Women’s History Month, which takes place every October to mark the anniversary of the Persons Case of 1927, when women were recognized as persons under the law. The Famous 5, Emily Murphy, Henrietta Muir Edwards, Nellie McClung, Louise McKinney and Irene Parlby brought the case to the Supreme Court of Canada, and later to the Privy Council of England before being granted the right to vote in this historic decision.

The Government of Yukon is proud to recognize the dedication and excellence of the territory’s artists, and is proud to have their work greet our visitors. These new banners reflect the richness of Yukon First Nations culture and history, the territory’s majestic wilderness, and the life-changing adventures that abound in the North. Promoting these works of art by Yukon women is a perfect way to mark the commencement of Women’s History Month.

Minister of Tourism and Culture and Minister responsible for Women’s Directorate Jeanie McLean

Quick facts
  • The Department of Tourism and Culture oversees a bi-annual call for and production of a set of promotional banners by Yukon artists.

  • A jury compromising representatives from the Yukon tourism and arts sectors chose the six designs from 20 submissions this spring.

  • Postcards and stickers with the banner designs and artist info will be available at Yukon Visitor Information Centres throughout the year.

  • Women’s History Month has been celebrated in Canada since 1992 and marked locally with events, publications and posters created by the Government of Yukon and various community organizations.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Alex Hill
Communications, Women’s Directorate

Cameron Webber
Communications, Tourism and Culture

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