Whitehorse biomass heating system to expand

The Government of Yukon and the Government of Canada have partnered to expand Whitehorse Correctional Centre’s existing biomass heating system to include two additional public buildings, the Young Offenders Facility and Takhini Haven.

New underground piping will connect the two buildings to create a district heating network. Biomass heating helps to offset greenhouse gas emissions and is a sustainable alternative to diesel and propane.

This joint project, funded from the Champions stream of the Government of Canada’s Low Carbon Economy Challenge Fund, will be the largest biomass project in Whitehorse and one of the biggest in Yukon. The Low Carbon Economy Fund is an important part of the Government of Canada’s climate action plan, the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change.

We are proud to invest in the Government of Yukon’s Whitehorse Biomass District Heating System. This project will help reduce reliance on fossil fuels, lowering emissions and making the local air cleaner and healthier to breathe. This project will also serve as an important case study that can encourage more biomass projects in the future.

The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada

Biomass is a sustainable fuel source. Our government is committed to greening our energy system and economy and this investment is part of our concerted effort to address the impacts of climate change.

Minister of Highways and Public Works Richard Mostyn 

Quick facts
  • Biomass heating systems can use wood chips or pellets and other organic matter as fuel.

  • A tender for the planning phase of the project will be posted in January 2020.

  • The Government of Canada will contribute up to 75 per cent of the cost. 

Media contact

Stewart Burnett
Cabinet Communications

Keely Bass
Communications, Highways and Public Works

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