Whistle Bend expanding with release of more affordable building lots

The Government of Yukon is releasing 76 lots by public lottery in the Whistle Bend subdivision. The lots include opportunities for single-family, duplex, townhouse and multi-family homes.

Many of the lots are smaller, which will make purchasing more attainable for people who are looking to build (or buy) a more affordable home. The average price for the 13 townhouse lots is $58,000 (per unit); the average price for the 10 duplex lots is $81,000 (per side); while the average price for the single-family lots is just over $90,000.

The lottery opens on July 30 and lottery applications will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on August 27, 2019. The draw will take place in room 1A, 300 Main Street (Elijah Smith Building) at 1 p.m. on August 28, 2019.

Releasing these lots now will allow the new owners to begin development in the 2019 building season. Another 119 residential lots in Whistle Bend and some infill lots will be available by lottery this fall. Following these lotteries, work is underway to release commercial lots along Keno Way early in 2020, which will complete phases three and four of the Whistle Bend subdivision.

This latest release of lots continues the Government of Yukon’s efforts to increase land and housing availability to support healthy and vibrant communities. Increasing supply will result in more housing options in the future as commercial and private builders develop neighbourhoods in the territory.

For public safety there will be restricted access to view the 76 lots as they are in an active construction site. Please visit www.emr.gov.yk.ca/landmanagement for details on directions, times and dates for property viewings.

The availability of good housing is critical both for quality of life and for our ability to grow businesses and recruit employees in Yukon. For this reason, we have increased our financial commitment to development in the past two years. The Government of Yukon will continue to work with other governments, the building trades and the real estate sector to find both short-term and longer-term solutions to land and housing availability in Yukon.  

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources and Economic Development Ranj Pillai

Whistle Bend continues to develop into the vibrant community it was envisioned to be. By releasing smaller building lots we are adding density and affordability to the neighbourhood. This will help to meet the evolving needs of Yukon families through our partnership with the City of Whitehorse.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

We are delighted to see more lots becoming available in Whistle Bend through our partnership with the Government of Yukon. Attainable housing is one of six strategic priorities for City Council and we will continue working with our government partners, non-profit organizations, businesses, and citizens to help people attain housing across the housing continuum.

City of Whitehorse Mayor Dan Curtis

Quick facts
  • Since the first phase in 2012, Whistle Bend has provided more than 420 building lots allowing for more than 620 Yukon homes to be built. This year an additional 242 lots will be completed for potential release through three planned lotteries. The July 30, 2019, lottery includes nine multi-family lots, 44 single-family, 10 duplex, and 13 town houses. Townhouse lots start at $51,398; duplex lots start at $76,780; single-family lots start at $74,918; and multi-family lots have a wide price range depending on lot size.

  • The single family and duplex lots will be sold with a two-year building commitment and a five-year agreement for sale. The townhouse and multi-family lots will be sold with a three-year building commitment and a three-year agreement for sale.

  • The City of Whitehorse and the Government of Yukon are working together to make lots available under the Land Development Protocol Agreement. The City of Whitehorse is responsible for consultation and planning, and the Government of Yukon is responsible for detailed design and construction.

Media contact

Kathleen Smith
Cabinet Communications

Rod Jacob
Communications, Energy, Mines & Resources

Aisha Montgomery
Director of Communications, Community Services

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