Whistle Bend elementary school planning underway

The owner’s advisor tender for the new Whistle Bend elementary school has been issued. This marks the first major step towards the construction of the first elementary school in Whitehorse in over 25 years.  The owner’s advisor is a consultant group that provides early planning, estimates and technical oversight on behalf of the owner for the duration of a project.

The Government of Yukon is also receiving input from the Whistle Bend elementary school Project Advisory Committee on key aspects of the school’s planning and design, including ways the school can help meet community needs in terms of functionality, and cultural and community spaces. The committee will continue to provide input until an attendance area and a school council have been established for the new school.

We are pleased to be working with the Whistle Bend elementary school Project Advisory Committee as we plan for the first new elementary school in Whitehorse in 27 years. We look forward to working with our partners to create a school that meets the needs of our growing community for years to come.


Minister of Education Tracy-Anne McPhee

Designing and building a new school is a major capital project. As planning for this exciting project advances, our government’s modernized procurement process will help to maximize the economic opportunities for Yukon’s contracting community.

Minister of Highways and Public Works Richard Mostyn

Quick facts
  • The Project Advisory Committee includes representatives from the Whistle Bend Community Association, the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council, Kwanlin Dün First Nation, City of Whitehorse, and the Government of Yukon.

  • The school’s attendance area will be established through a review of Whitehorse school attendance areas.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Jason Mackey
Community Relations and Engagement, Education

Oshea Jephson
Communications, Highways and Public Works

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