Vaccination requirements for designated settings introduced to protect public health

The Government of Yukon is fast-tracking the vaccination requirement for designated settings to support new public health recommendations from the acting Chief Medical Officer of Health. Starting November 13, 2021, people age 12 and up will be required to provide proof of vaccination to access designated establishments and services in the Yukon.

Designated settings that require proof of vaccination include bars, restaurants, gyms, recreation facilities, art galleries, theatres, and hair and nail salons. Proof of vaccination will not be required to access essential services such as health care, grocery stores, banks, pharmacies, public transportation and shelters. The list of designated settings is now available on

Beginning November 13, 2021, people will be required to show the paper or digital copy of their Proof of Vaccination Credential as well as a piece of government-issued photo identification in order to access those establishments and services on the list of designated settings. Government-issued identification for youth age 12 to 18 will not require a photo. Yukoners can request their Proof of Vaccination Credential online at

A Yukon-specific QR code reader app is being developed to support local businesses and organizations to verify vaccination status. The app will securely verify an individual’s Proof of Vaccination Credential and will be made available for free in the coming days.

On November 8, 2021, a State of Emergency was declared in response to increased spread of COVID-19 in the Yukon. Several new temporary measures are being introduced to rapidly decrease transmission of COVID-19 and ensure the territory’s healthcare capacity is not overwhelmed. These new measures include mandatory masking; limits on personal gatherings, organized gatherings, seated ticketed events and faith-based and cultural gatherings; and restrictions on restaurants, bars, nightclubs, gyms, fitness studios and personal services.

The Government of Yukon is also implementing a new vaccine requirement for all territorial government employees, including teachers, as well as all front-line health care workers. Employees will be required to have their first dose of vaccine no later than November 30 and their second dose no later than January 30. This vaccine requirement also applies to employees of partner organizations that the Yukon government funds to provide services to vulnerable populations. Government officials are working directly with those organizations to help them implement these new public health requirements.

This vaccine requirement for employment will be in effect until general public health concerns are reduced to a level where workplaces can operate without COVID-19 related restrictions, as advised by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health.

We are seeing an unprecedented spike in COVID-19 cases and increased risk of transmission throughout the territory. The vaccines are the best form of protection against COVID-19 we need to increase vaccination rates to protect the health and safety of all Yukoners. By taking these steps now, we hope to be able to stop the rampant transmission we are currently seeing in the territory. We ask that Yukoners are patient and respectful of businesses and organizations as they introduce these new requirements, which are designed to protect public health and keep us all safe.

Premier Sandy Silver

The most effective way to prevent severe COVID-19 is by vaccination.  Each person who is vaccinated is reducing their own risk and protecting our health care system for those who need health care for any cause.  The Delta variant is highly transmissible and is causing hospital strain. This is the time to roll up our sleeves.

Acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott

Quick facts
  • On October 15, 2021 the Government of Yukon announced that proof of vaccination would be required to access non-essential services in the Yukon starting on November 30, 2021. The requirement will be implemented on November 13, 2021, to support new public health recommendations from the Yukon’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health.

  • Children under age 12 who are not yet eligible to be vaccinated are not required to provide proof of vaccination to access a designated establishment, but may be required to show proof of age.

  • The Yukon Hospital Corporation requires that all employees/privileged staff must have their second dose of vaccine against COVID-19 no later than 8 weeks after their first dose, which they must have received before October 29, 2021.

  • While Yukoners are able to access care and services from Yukon hospitals regardless of vaccination status, since September 1, 2021, people visiting patients in hospital have been asked to show proof of vaccination against COVID-19. 

  • Book your COVID-19 vaccination appointment online.

  • The clinic in Whitehorse is located at the Yukon Convention Centre, 4051-4th Avenue. In communities, contact your local health centre.

  • The COVID-19 Testing Centre will resume drive-up testing starting Wednesday, November 10, 2021, and will be open seven days a week from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 

  • The location of the COVID-19 Testing Centre is 91628 Alaska Highway (Centennial Motors in the wash bay). 

  • The first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in the Yukon in March 2020. Since then, 1135 Yukoners have been diagnosed with the virus. A total of 965 people have recovered, 10 have died and as of November 10, there are 156 active cases in the Yukon.

  • Yukoners can request their proof of vaccination credential online at or on the phone via the COVID-19 InfoLine at 1-877-374-0425, seven days a week, 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Julie Ménard
Communications, Health and Social Services

Aimee O’Connor
Communications, Public Service Commission

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