Joint news release with Association of Yukon Communities
The Comprehensive Municipal Grant (CMG) has been updated following a review by a joint Government of Yukon and Association of Yukon Communities working group, providing predictable, sustainable funding for the next five years.
In total, municipal funding through the grant will increase by $700,000 this year, with further increases projected over the next five years. A key change makes the $50,000 supplementary funding a permanent part of the grant. This will account for the significant costs municipalities incur for regulatory compliance in areas like solid waste, structural fire, clean water and waste water.
The changes will come into effect April 1, 2018.
Municipalities provide vital services for Yukoners and it’s important that they have resources to support their activities. Ensuring predictable funding helps communities plan effectively to meet the needs of residents. We look forward to continuing our partnership with the Association of Yukon Communities to build healthy, vibrant, sustainable communities.
We are very pleased to see that recommendations brought forward by the joint working group were incorporated in the CMG. Having the supplementary funding (previously known as the Structural Fire Supplement) become a permanent part of the CMG will ensure continued support of municipal efforts to maintain regulatory compliance. We look forward to continued discussion of the impacts of regulatory requirements when dealing with solid waste, clean water and waste water management.
The CMG is unconditional annual block funding provided to municipalities by the Government of Yukon. It was created in 1991 and was most recently updated in 2013.
Each incorporated municipality receives funding through the CMG based on a formula that considers factors such as population, properties, infrastructure tax base and the Consumer Price Index.
Changes to the CMG ensure no municipality will see their grant decrease below 2017 levels for the next five years.
Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
Diana Dryburgh
Communications, Community Services
Bev Buckway
Executive Director, Association of Yukon Communities