Twenty community projects are receiving $518,751 in Tier 1 and Tier 2 funding through the Community Development Fund. The projects support community planning, mental health, sport and recreation, and promote cultural awareness and pride in Yukon communities.
Funding recipients include the Fireweed Community Market Society, Village of Carmacks, Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Development Corporation, Yukon Curling Association and Inclusion Yukon.
We are pleased to support this exciting and diverse range of community-driven projects that will promote economic development, cultural and education initiatives and renewable energy. Investments through the Community Development Fund are contributing to thriving, vibrant, sustainable communities across Yukon.
With this human resource database, we are creating opportunities for Champagne and Aishihik First Nations citizens in many areas and also empowering them to realize their own abilities and potential as dän shawthän (good people). This project funding will also benefit our Champagne and Aishihik First Nations government in growing a strong, healthy economy in the community of Dakwäkäda (Haines Junction) and beyond, and enhance our capacity to do things dän k’e (our way).
We are very grateful for this contribution to help us conduct a marketing strategy and rebranding. It will allow the Fireweed Community Market to take the steps necessary to achieve greater visibility and increase the number of Yukoners and visitors to our summer and winter markets.
The Community Development Fund provides funding for projects, events and initiatives that provide long-term, sustainable economic and social benefits for Yukon communities.
The Community Development Fund provides up to 90 per cent of the total project costs. Funding is divided into three tiers with the following application deadlines:
- Tier 1: Applications of $20,000 or less (January 15, May 15, July 15 and October 15).
- Tier 2: Applications between $20,000 and $75,000 (April 15 and September 15).
- Tier 3: Applications over $75,000 (January 15).
Community Development Fund Tier 1 October 15, 2019 Intake Approved Projects – $137,542
Village of Carmacks – $11,830 – To contract a firm to perform archaeological geophysical surveys on the Nordenskiold Cemetery in order to obtain the appropriate knowledge for future improvements and site expansion, which will better serve the community. The project supports the municipality in the development of community plans and using those plans to inform the direction of community development. The project will create 200 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Tracy Thomas at 867-863-6271.
Selkirk First Nation – $14,000 – To design and install cultural-specific welcome signs marking the entrances to Pelly Crossing, highlighting the art, colours, language and message of the Selkirk people. The signs will not only welcome travellers to the community and advise them they are entering into the traditional territory of the Selkirk First Nation, but they will create a sense of place and arrival for residents and represent their pride in the community. Contact: Scott Sawyer at 867-537-3060.
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations – $20,000 – To develop the dän k'e Kendan (Book of Values) framework to provide guidance to elected officials, staff and citizens as they change the way they design, develop and implement programs and services for citizens in line with dän k'e (our way). This project will work towards achieving a significant priority for the citizens of Champagne and Aishihik First Nations. It will help establish a strong sense of community, establish a renewed sense of pride in traditional culture, support efforts to rebuild the government and provide guidance for traditional-based systems as well as programming and policies that are grounded in dän k’e. The project will create 243 hours of employment for one contractor. Contact: Diane Strand at 867-634-4200.
Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Development Corporation – $12,000 – To produce fur pom-poms for Team Yukon's 2020 Arctic Winter Games uniform. This collaborative sewing project brings together three different initiatives: support for local Yukon trappers, awareness of Yukon’s fur industry, and community participation in developing team spirit and fur-sewing skills while creating a legacy from the Arctic Winter Games through culture and sport. Contact: Andrijana Djokic at 416-522-5106.
Fireweed Community Market Society – $10,148 – To develop a marketing strategy, strong visual identity and brand guidelines. The marketing strategy and brand development will generate more visibility and awareness of the market and vendors. In addition to reinforcing the importance of supporting local entrepreneurs and small businesses, it will connect consumers with producers of quality goods that are locally grown, raised, wild-harvested or hand-crafted and celebrate the market’s vibrant cultural experience. Contact: Jen Edwards at 867-334-8069.
Mendenhall Community Association – $1,560 – To provide a series of locally designed workshops for residents of the Mendenhall subdivision to help the community develop skills and knowledge in a variety of areas including meditation, mindfulness and glass working, pursue options for building the local economy, the occasion to generate a sense of community and strengthen social networks, and to build leadership skills. The project will create 25 hours of employment for four people. Contact: Jordan Aslett at 867-456-7777.
Robotics North Society – $4,576 – To support six Yukon For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) Lego League teams with a Yukon preparatory scrimmage and a qualifying tournament that will see two winning teams travel to the British Columbia provincial championship in Vancouver. FIRST Lego League teams, which may include up to 10 members each, will apply science, engineering and math concepts plus imagination to develop solutions to real-world challenges through their project. Two senior FIRST organizers will travel to Whitehorse to help oversee the judge training and management, as well as emcee and provide mentorship to Robotics North Society on event coordination. Contact: Leanne Watson at 867-335-7442.
Kluane First Nation – $18,750 – To hire a team of professionals to research, compile and write an illustrated manuscript based on Kluane First Nation recorded oral histories and images, community archival records and outside sources spanning 40 years. The completed manuscript will document valuable authentic descriptions of life experiences and historic events, foster awareness, and help to preserve language, culture and the sharing of traditional knowledge. The project will create 200 hours of employment for 23 people. Contact: Mary Jane Johnson at 867-841-4274.
Yukon Freestyle Ski Association – $6,159 – To purchase the equipment necessary to provide year-round dryland training for local athletes. This equipment will enable the association to offer more diverse training for their athletes and support the ongoing growth and development of all levels of athletes in the program. Contact: Stephanie Robertson at 867-335-2090.
Inclusion Yukon – $18,519 – To hire a local marketing company to develop a clear brand and a new service navigation website to enable better access to services for people with intellectual disabilities. The project will create 200 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Shonagh McCrindle at 867-667-4606.
Canadian Mental Health Association – $20,000 – To develop a peer support training curriculum based on Peer Support Canada’s evidence-based model, ensuring the northern perspective is incorporated into the practice and to launch a formalized peer support training workshop. The benefits of peer-run initiatives are proven to reduce hospitalization, reduce symptoms of distress, improve social support and improve quality of life, resulting in a more supportive and healthier community. The project will create 150 hours of employment for two people. Contact: Tiffanie Tasane at 867-668-6429.
Community Development Fund Tier 2 September 15, 2019 Intake Approved Projects – $381,209
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations – $72,000 – To develop a citizen database detailing human resource, business and cultural inventory, including training and education requirements. This database will help match citizens with employment and business opportunities at the prospective Mätʼàtäna Resort, help identify citizens and youth who have specific career goals that require training or education plans to reach their career aspirations, and assist with business development as opportunities within the resort are identified and matched to potential citizen providers with existing businesses or businesses to be developed. This project is phase one, the research and development of the interview survey. The project will create an estimated 972 hours of contract work. Contact: Amy McKinnon at 867-634-4200.
Whitehorse Curling Club – $55,952 – To install 204 solar panels on the roof at Mount McIntyre Recreation Centre. This project will recover renewable solar energy and return it to the electrical grid, which will reduce the demand on hydroelectric consumption. This solar energy project fully supports the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change as it is an energy-efficient project aimed at reducing the carbon footprint. This project will create 400 hours of employment for 10 people. Contact: Jon Solberg at 867-667-2875.
Yukon Curling Association – $28,000 – To launch a pilot project to engage, encourage and involve high school-aged youths in the sport of curling. Youths will have opportunities to try a new sport, develop life-long friendships, social skills and physical skills, improve their level of fitness and contribute to good mental health. A junior coach will be hired to develop, create and teach junior curling development to youths throughout the territory, significantly increasing the number of juniors competing in national events, such as Junior Nationals, Arctic Winter Games and Canada Winter Games. The project will create 920 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Laura Eby at 867-334-5949.
Whitehorse Archery Club – $46,804 – To rebuild the Whitehorse Archery club house, which burnt down in July 2019. The facility will be used from April through mid-October for equipment maintenance, teaching workshops and year-round storage of the club’s targets, backstops and equipment related to the outdoor range. Contact: Rob Ingram at 867-333-0189.
Yukon Foundation – $36,630 – To contract professionals to modernize the Yukon Foundation's administrative and communications systems. This project will increase the foundation’s capacity to receive and distribute funds, improve awareness of the foundation as a vehicle for estate planning and managing scholarship funds, and improve the application process and awarding of funds. This project will create 200 hours of employment for up to two people. Contact: Michael Pealow at 867-393-2454.
Klondike Visitors Association – $67,500 – To purchase and install a new air conditioning unit at Diamond Tooth Gerties. As a cornerstone of the Dawson visitor experience, it is imperative that a safe and comfortable environment is provided. Through the operation of Diamond Tooth Gerties, the Klondike Visitors Association provides financial assistance and community support to several local not-for-profit organizations. The project will create 190 hours of employment for three people. Contact: Viki Paulins at 867-993-5575.
Yukon Quest International Association (Canada) – $25,000 – To hire a local developer to revise, update and maintain Yukon Quest’s website. Yukon Quest is an annual event with a national and international following, and a modern website will help promote and connect followers and attract new interest. Contact: Shayna Hammer at 867-332-3647.
Raven Recycling Society – $20,018 – To build and promote community understanding of the circular economy and zero waste in Yukon by supporting local initiatives and innovative strategies to accelerate the transition to a zero-waste circular economy. A circular economy is based on three principles: design out waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use, and regenerate natural systems. This project aims to develop community knowledge and skills that support alternatives to traditional recycling and waste management. The project will create 605 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Ira Webb at 867-667-7269.
Watson Lake Daycare Centre Society – $29,305 – For interior and exterior renovations to mitigate health and safety concerns. Upgrades to the entranceway, kitchen and landscaping will provide improved access, more counter space for a new hot food program, and increased safety. Maximizing the building’s potential allows for the optimum number of children to attend the daycare while ensuring the daycare continues to provide a safe and reliable service for families. The project will create 300 hours of employment for four people. Contact: Angela Winsor at 867-536-2167.
Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications
Damian Topps
Communications, Economic Development