Twenty-four projects receive more than $1.4 million from the Community Development Fund

Twenty-four community projects were awarded $1,448,677 in Tier 1 and Tier 3 funding through the Community Development Fund’s January 2020 intake.

The approved community projects range from the Yukon Broomball Association receiving funding to replace the rink’s fabric roof and switch over to energy-efficient LED light bulbs, to the Teslin Historical and Museum Society improving the security of artifacts at the George Johnson Museum.

Other recipients include the Yukon First Nation Chamber of Commerce, the Royal Canadian Legion, Hospice Yukon Society, Association Franco-Yukonnaise and the Flatwater Paddling North Society.

These projects are a testament to the diverse interests of Yukoners from planning, sport and recreation to community and culture. I’m proud of the excellent work we are able to support through the Community Development Fund, which is helping to build healthy, vibrant communities where Yukoners thrive.

Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai

Securing funding allows the sport of broomball to continue growing and thriving in Whitehorse. It will fund the replacement of the 20-year-old fabric roof and upgrade the 30-year-old lighting to LED-style lights.

Yukon Broomball Association Project Expansion Committee Member Scott Smith

Quick facts
  • The Community Development Fund provides funding for projects, events and initiatives that provide long-term, sustainable economic and social benefits for Yukon communities.

  • The Community Development Fund provides up to 90 per cent of the total project costs. Funding is divided into three tiers with the following application deadlines: 

    • Tier 1: Applications of $20,000 or less (January 15, May 15, July 15 and October 15).
    • Tier 2: Applications between $20,000 and $75,000 (April 15 and September 15).
    • Tier 3: Applications over $75,000 (January 15).

Community Development Fund Tier 1 January 15, 2020, Intake Approved Projects – $238,484

Council of Yukon First Nations – $19,500 – To hire a Yukon First Nations archivist to organize, identify and describe a selection of approximately 5,000 of the 90,000 images in the Council of Yukon First Nations archives. The selection will include the best and most significant images from the collection and make them more accessible to Yukon First Nation people, heritage departments and other researchers by developing descriptive database entries and a search tool for these images. This project will create 488 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Donalda Easterson at 867-393-9200.

Hospice Yukon Society – $5,097 – To develop and modernize the society’s website and improve accessibility. The first phase of the project will include the design and review and compilation of the content; the second phase will be the site development; the third phase will involve working with Hospice Yukon staff, board members and volunteers to test and review design and content; and the fourth and final stage will be making the new website live and communicating this to the public. This project will create employment for one local contractor. Contact: Stacy Jones at 867-633-8992.

Village of Teslin – $19,800 – To hire a qualified consultant to undertake the necessary research to update the 2013 boundary expansion report, its community and its composition. This project will create 10 weeks’ employment for one contractor. Contact: Shelly Hassard at 867-390-2530.

Town of Watson Lake – $9,085 – To update and purchase tables, chairs and linen for the community hall for use at various events. The Morgan Chaddock Recreation Centre is the only large rental venue in Watson Lake. Having the facility stocked with good quality equipment will make it a more attractive venue for various community groups and individuals. Contact: Alyssa Magun at 867-536-8020.

Teslin Historical and Museum Society – $8,221 – To update and modernize the security system in order to properly uphold the mandate of preserving and protecting the artifacts in the George Johnson Museum. This project will create one day’s employment for one person. Contact: Ryan Durack at 514-616-7225.

Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre – $1,745 – To purchase a washing machine, kitchen stove and a recycling station, including bins. Purchasing essential appliances and a recycling station are fundamental to the programming at the Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre. Contact: Elena B. Ross at 867-667-2693.

Association Franco-Yukonnaise – $18,474 – To hire a consultant to locate, inventory and catalogue the Association Franco-Yukonnaise’s archival records. The proposed project will help ensure Yukon’s French history is well-documented and preserved for the francophone community. The association anticipates the Franco-Yukonnaise community will gain knowledge and experience through the variety of resources and research materials that would be available in a database for historical and educational purposes. These records will also help celebrate and strengthen the community network for the approaching 40th anniversary of Association Franco-Yukonnaise. This project will create 570 hours employment for one person. Contact: Isabelle Salesse at 867-668-2663.

Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous Society – $18,060 – To develop a marketing strategy and implementation plan using a comprehensive planning process to build capacity within the organization. A master brand evaluation will be conducted, including associated brands, for business lines and events. This project will create short-term employment for one person. Contact: Daniel van Kessel at 867-667-2148.

The Guild Society – $12,946 – To purchase two large sea-can shipping containers and transport them to the Guild property in the spring. Each container will be fitted with clothing racks and shelving custom-designed and built by volunteers. It is estimated that five volunteers over 16 hours are required to complete this process. The volunteers, many of whom are long-time set builders for the Guild Society, have various levels of carpentry and renovations skills. Contact: Kaori Taigori at 867-335-5822.

Dawson City Music Festival Society – $11,761 – To work with Good Night Out Vancouver to build capacity in preventing and responding to harassment, assault and other forms of harm that predominantly occurs during arts, culture and nightlife events, at public gatherings or in art spaces and bar venues. The project will include event auditing, policy development and implementation, and staff and volunteer training. Contact: Andrea Vincent at 867-996-5584.

Whitehorse 2020 Arctic Winter Games Host Society – $20,000 – To assist with ground transportation of participants, coaches and special guests to and from the opening and closing ceremonies. This project was planned to create 180 hours of employment for 40 people. Note: While this project was approved, it is no longer going ahead. Contact: Moira Lassan at 867-393-2020.

Flatwater Paddling North Society – $18,384 – To purchase a second-hand 20-person dragon boat to expand the Elder-Active Dragon Boat Program and support adult and youth dragon boat activities. The purchase also provides the program with the right equipment to help train for the 55+ games in 2020. Contact: Helen Anne Girouard at 867-335-8121.

Flatwater Paddling Yukon Society – $20,000 – To purchase the equipment necessary to continue Canoe Kids camps in Watson Lake and add Haines Junction in the summer of 2020. This project will not only allow Flatwater Paddling Yukon Society to sustain the Canoe Kids program currently being offered in Watson Lake, but will allow them to expand the program to Haines Junction and other rural communities. Contact: Helen Anne Girouard at 867-335-8121.

Yukon Art Society – $17,936 – To complete a brand revitalization strategy and development to establish the position and identity of the Yukon Art Society to reflect the legacy and the future of the oldest and largest arts organization in Yukon. Working with a local illustrator and graphic designer, the Yukon Art Society will create and implement graphic design assets such as brand standards, branding guidelines and a full logo library as part of the rebranding process. This project will create 175 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Heather Steinhagen at 867-667-4080.

Creative Lab North Society – $19,475 – To hire a project manager to review and finalize the details of the creative summit they will host from May 21 to 23. This summit will be used to determine the needs of the community and identify the most impactful focus areas for Yukon. This project will create short-term employment for one person. Contact: Alex Robinson at 416-529-0301.

Whitehorse Cross Country Ski Club – $18,000 – The proposed project involves hiring a local consultant to develop a five-year strategic plan by working with the club’s Strategic Planning Committee. Together, they will identify priorities and guide the development of governance policies. Contact: Jean-Paul Molgat at 867-667-5854.

Community Development Fund Tier 3 January 15, 2020, Intake Approved Projects – $1,210,193

Yukon Broomball Association – $167,519 – To replace the fabric roof on the rink facility and switch the 30-year-old rink lights from metal halide to LED, which will significantly reduce energy consumption and operating costs. Where possible, if the fabric panels are deemed reusable, they will be salvaged and used for future repairs to the roof; larger pieces will be repurposed as wind barriers on the inside of the facility. This project will create 88 hours of work for two people. Contact: Scott Smith at 867-334-5737.

Kluane First Nation – $78,225 – To replace existing water and septic lines at Nan Na Je to meet current building codes. This will provide a venue where general assemblies, training and retreats can be held. The project will create 840 hours employment for four people. Contact: Tralee MacDonald 867-841-4272.

Champagne and Aishihik First Nation – $200,000 – To expand and develop the outdoor space on the south side of the Da Kų Cultural Centre. This will allow for comfortable and inviting spaces for artists, a community market, educational programming and for traditional demonstrations that would include the harvesting of local medicinal fauna used in the landscaping. This project will create several hours of employment for contractors, labourers and professionals. Contact: Jeff Hunter at 867-634-4200.

Yukon First Nation Chamber of Commerce – $89,685 – To hire a consulting firm to research and develop a workable, implementation-ready model for a year-round Yukon rural transportation service that could provide, safe, reliable and affordable passenger services. This project will create 300 hours of employment for four people. Contact: Albert Drapeau at 867-667-7917.

Royal Canadian Legion – $129,537 – To hire a contractor to renovate the kitchen and rear exit doors to address safety, efficiency and operational issues in the Royal Canadian Legion building. This project will create several hours of employment for contractors. Contact: Joseph Mewett at 867-332-5740.

The Heart of Riverdale Community Centre – $101,878 – For the purchase and installation of three modular sound isolation rooms that will be installed within an existing room at the centre in order to facilitate activities such as music lessons. Contact: Alex Robinson at 867-667-6700.

Help and Hope for Families Society – $201,259 – To provide a safe outdoor space for vulnerable women and families. The project involves levelling and recontouring the yard to create more useable space. This project will create several hours of employment for contractors. Contact: Rose Rowlands at 867-536-7233.

Yukon Transportation Museum Society – $242,090 – To replace unsafe and inefficient lighting with museum-grade lighting in all of the interior display spaces at the Yukon Transportation Museum. This project will create 240 hours employment for one person. Contact: Janna Swales at 867-668-4792.

Media contact

Stewart Burnett
Cabinet Communications

Damian Topps
Communications, Economic Development

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