Trouble puppet show tours Whitehorse daycare centres

The Trouble puppet show will be visiting several Whitehorse daycares over March break this spring. This will be the third tour of the popular performance for young children. Trouble combines Yukon-based storytelling and a strong message of non-violence to help develop skills on how to express and manage feelings.

Trouble was adapted from the book Only You are You – which was developed as part of the Government of Yukon’s “Am I the Solution?” campaign. The puppet show was written by Whitehorse playwright Brian Fidler and features the work of several Yukon artists including performers Brian Fidler and Claire Ness, puppet creator Amber Church and musical composer Jordy Walker.

The show lasts 15 minutes and is followed by an in-class activity and follow-up discussion where children can tell their own stories and talk about how they relate to the messages in the show. Copies of the book Only You Are You and a discussion guide are provided to help continue the dialogue.

By teaching healthy ways to express emotions, the Trouble puppet show brings an important early lesson to young children in a way they can understand and connect with.

Minister responsible for the Women's Directorate Jeanie Dendys 

We are delighted to once again bring the puppet show Trouble to Yukon daycares. The colourful puppets and beautiful, lively music resonate with our young audience and help deliver the important message of finding constructive ways of dealing with strong emotions.

Trouble playwright and actor Brian Fidler

Quick facts
  • Trouble’s third tour will reach a new group of children who will benefit from its important message and key teaching points around feelings and behaviours as they develop new social relationships outside of their families.

  • Early interventions in guiding pro-social behaviours is important in helping to develop skills to manage all kinds of social interactions, including challenging situations. By providing guidance in managing anger in particular, we are teaching children non-violent ways of solving conflicts.

  • Trouble was created as part of the “Am I the Solution?” social marketing campaign. It was developed and promoted by the Women’s Directorate between 2010 and 2013 as part of the Victims of Crime Strategy, which operated between 2009 and 2014.

  • Brian Fidler and Ramshackle Productions created Trouble and toured in elementary schools and child care centres in January and March 2015. In total, 22 performances were enjoyed by young audiences that year.

  • The Trouble puppet show went on a second tour of community schools in early December 2015 to February 2016. They first visited Carmacks, Carcross, Watson Lake and Dawson in December – and went out again in January 2016 to Mayo, Faro and Ross River. After a request from the local school and recreation programmer for the village, Trouble also went to Teslin on February 22, 2016.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Alex Hill
Communications, Women’s Directorate

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