Travel recommendations from the acting Chief Medical Officer of Health

The Yukon’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott is recommending that Yukoners returning from domestic travel monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 and self-isolate when they are sick.  

This new recommendation removes the recommendation to reduce contacts for the three or five day period following travel that were included in the holiday guidelines on This change is being made to reflect that COVID-19 activity is similar in the Yukon to that outside the territory.

Yukoners should use caution when travelling within Canada at this time. Many Canadian jurisdictions are experiencing higher case activity than at any other time during the pandemic and some are experiencing a strain on essential services such as transportation and health care. If Yukoners choose to travel, they should familiarize themselves with the public health regulations, be prepared to show their proof of vaccination and accept that there may be challenges accessing services.

Yukon communities remain at a significant risk from the current COVID-19 Omicron variant. The acting Chief Medical Officer of Health continues to recommend against non-essential travel to the communities. Several First Nations governments and communities have travel advisories in place so Yukoners are encouraged to check before making any travel plans.

The Canadian government advises travellers to avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada due to the risk of the Omicron variant. Yukoners are encouraged to check this advice often as it is continually updated in response to the evolving nature of the pandemic.  

The rapid rise of Omicron in the territory, across the country and around the world makes it unwise to travel for non-essential purposes right now. Travel increases your risk of getting COVID-19 due to an increase in potential and actual contacts and if you get sick and need hospital care this puts an added burden on you, your family and the health care system at a time when most systems are stretched right now. Stay close to home and keep your contacts low.

acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott

Quick facts
  • Yukon community travel advisories can be found on the Council of Yukon First Nations travel advisory page.

  • International travel advice can be found on the Government of Canada’s website.

Media contact

Carleen Kerr
Communications, Health and Social Services

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