Third survey on student learning during COVID-19 now live

The Government of Yukon has launched the third instalment of the learning during COVID-19 survey to gather feedback from students, families and school staff on their experiences and perspectives related to learning as well as health and safety during the last half of the school year.

The survey includes new questions on how the pandemic has impacted mental health and wellness; the types of mental health and wellness services being accessed; and awareness of support services and the preferences for accessing them. Questions were also expanded to explore whether respondents felt there was lost learning this year.

A link to the online survey was sent directly to families and school staff by email on Wednesday, June 9, 2021. The survey will remain open until the end of the day on Wednesday, June 23, 2021.

This third survey will help us ensure students are successful and supported in their learning in the upcoming school year – while also protecting their health and safety. We want to know how the pandemic has impacted students’ mental health and well-being and we intend to use the survey feedback to ensure supports are meeting their needs. I encourage Yukon students, school staff and families to participate in this online survey and share how they are doing as they head into a well-deserved summer break.

Minister of Education Jeanie McLean

Quick facts
  • The third learning during COVID-19 survey includes new questions related to the pandemic’s impact on mental health and wellness.

  • Survey participants will be asked about:

    • health and safety requirements in place during the 2020–21 school year;
    • the impacts of COVID-19 on mental health and wellness;
    • how plans after graduation may have changed because of the pandemic; and
    • the recovery of student learning and supports that may be needed next school year.
  • Feedback from the survey will help inform plans for the upcoming school year and provide insight into approaches for pandemic recovery.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Erin MacDonald
Communications, Education

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