Third survey on learning during the pandemic finds most feeling safe and informed

The Government of Yukon is sharing the feedback collected from students, families and school staff about their perspectives and experiences on learning, health and safety and mental health during the last half of the 2020–21 school year.

Among key findings from the recent survey, most students, families and school staff said they feel safe and informed when asked about the health and safety measures at their school.

The feedback from this survey will support student learning throughout the 2021–22 school year and the ongoing response to COVID-19. The results will also help increase awareness and accessibility of mental health and wellness supports for students, families and school staff across the Yukon.

A What We Heard report with a summary of survey results is now available on

Thank you to all of the students, families and school staff who took the time to share their experiences and perspectives at the end of the 2020–21 school year. It is through your hard work and dedication to keep one another safe that we can return to a near-normal 2021–22 school year. The feedback we received through these surveys has helped our ongoing efforts to respond to the impacts from COVID-19 and ensure the best supports are in place for students, teachers and parents.   

Minister of Education Jeanie McLean

Quick facts
  • The third Learning during COVID-19 survey was open from June 9 to 23 and was completed by 947 respondents, including 762 families, 126 students and 59 school staff.

  • Respondents were asked about their experiences and perspectives during the last half of the school year on:

    • health and safety routines at Yukon schools;
    • learning following the return of Whitehorse Grade 10 to 12 students to full-time, in-class learning in April; and
    • how the pandemic has impacted mental health and wellness.
  • Survey questions were developed with opportunities for input from Yukon First Nations governments, school councils, the Association of Yukon School Councils, Boards and Committees, the Catholic Education Association of Yukon, Commission scolaire francophone du Yukon and the Yukon Teachers’ Association.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Maria Paré
Communications, Education

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