Tenants continue to receive protection during COVID-19 pandemic

Residential tenants who are under a health protection measure after June 25 or who need to breach their tenancy agreement because they are under a COVID-19 health protection order will continue to be protected from eviction.

As of July 1, all tenants must pay their rent in full as set in their tenancy agreements, unless they are prevented from doing so because they are subject to a health protection measure.

Tenants who owe unpaid rent from March 26 to July 1 because of COVID-19 loss of income or after
June 25, because they were under a health protection measure, have until December 31 to repay the outstanding amount. For people who are subject to a health protection measure such as self-isolation in accordance with the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s instructions, rental protection measures put in place on March 26, 2020 continue.

The order also prevents landlords from entering the rental unit of a tenant subject to a health protection measure unless it is an emergency. Additionally, tenants who are not able to pay their rent because of COVID-19 loss of income will still be able to end their tenancy with 30 days’ notice to their landlord. This frees up the rental unit to tenants who are able to cover rent.

Tenants and landlords are encouraged to contact the Residential Tenancies Offices for more information by phone at 867-667-5944 or toll-free in Yukon at 1-800-661-0408 extension 5944, or by email at rto@gov.yk.ca

A variety of territorial and federal programs are currently in place to support individuals who are experiencing financial impacts as a result of COVID-19. Information about available supports can be found at Yukon.ca/covid-19.

We continue to provide safeguards for tenants who may have to self-isolate and follow health protection orders while the emergency order is in effect. As restrictions lift, we know that it will take time for some businesses to reopen and rehire staff. We hope that with this deadline, affected tenants will have enough time to earn the income to pay any overdue rent.   

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Quick facts
  • A health protection measure means any of the following as it relates to a tenant or a member of the tenant’s household and COVID-19:

    • A quarantine of the individual;
    • A restriction on the movement of the person or class of people, to and from the rental unit. A health officer imposes it under the Public Health and Safety Act;
    • A restriction of an individual's movement if it is recommended by or is under the authority of the Chief Medical Officer of Health or the Chief Public Health Officer. It does not include physical distancing; and
    • Hospitalization of the individual.
  • An Order in Council passed on March 26 prevented landlords from serving their tenants with a notice to end tenancy for unpaid or late rent until the OIC is repealed on June 25.

  • A tenant who could not pay their rent on time before June 25 because of COVID-19 related job loss or reduced income will have until December 31 to pay the overdue amount.

  • If a tenant is under a health protection measure after June 25 that prevents them from leaving their home or hospital, they may accumulate additional rent arrears while subject to a health protection measure but must repay it by December 31. 

  • A tenant who has lost their job or had their income reduced because of COVID-19 will be able to end the tenancy with 30 days’ notice.

  • A landlord will not be able to enter a rental unit if the residents are under a health protection measure, except for reasons of safety.

  • The Residential Tenancies Office encourages landlords and tenants to agree on how to repay owed rent. If this is not possible, the parties may work with the Residential Tenancies Office to mediate a repayment plan. 

  • Landlords may apply to the COVID-19 Rent Assist program, which offers a grant of up to 50 per cent of the median rent for an equivalently sized rental unit. The program is in place from April to June 2020. A federal program is also available to help landlords pay their mortgages. 

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Bonnie Venton Ross
Communications, Community Services

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