The Canadian Digital Adoption Program, which provides support to help local businesses boost their digital presence or establish an e-commerce platform, is now open for Yukon businesses to apply. Each successful recipient will receive a micro-grant of up to $5,000 along with advisory support. In addition to funding and support to businesses, the program also creates training and work opportunities for young Canadians.
The program is administered in the Yukon by TechYukon through support from the Government of Yukon, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor) and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED).
Applications can be found at https://techyukon.ca/cdap.
The Government of Canada knows that small businesses are the heart of our communities and the backbone of our economy. The Canada Digital Adoption Program will help small businesses in the Yukon take their operations online to access new customers and markets and achieve greater success. We will continue to support our small businesses and entrepreneurs as they start up, scale up and access new online customers in Canada and around the world.
Doing business in the North and Arctic is different than in many parts of Canada, which is why our government is working with Northern partners to address their unique needs. This $182,000 investment, delivered through CanNor, will enhance the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP), allowing Yukon businesses to better access e-commerce expertise. The strong and resilient business community is strengthened through the close collaboration between CanNor, Innovation, Science and Economic Development, and the Government of Yukon as well as the local knowledge and experience of organizations such as Tech Yukon.
It is important that Yukon business owners and entrepreneurs have the support they need to digitize their businesses, expand and reach new markets. This program will help 140 small and medium businesses in the Yukon go online over the next three years. In addition, it provides valuable advice and support to Yukon businesses to help them not only keep up in a modern, global economy, but thrive in it too. I am pleased that the Yukon government can support the Canada Digital Adoption Program and I thank all of our partners for making this support available to Yukon businesses.
As Yukon's technology industry association, our mandate is to grow and support Yukon's tech sector. We accomplish this by supporting local technology businesses with business and networking support and providing educational workshops to the public on various topics related to tech. The Canada Digital Adoption Program provides us with the opportunity to help local businesses adopt new technologies and enables TechYukon to connect these businesses with local solution providers to help them with their ecommerce challenges. We are excited for this 3-year commitment and aim to help as many businesses as possible.
In Budget 2021, the Government of Canada announced the $4 billion Canada Digital Adoption Program to help businesses go online, this can be through e-commerce or simply digitizing a business's operations.
TechYukon is an organization made up of 27 technology companies with a focus on growing the industry in the Yukon.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Damian Topps
Communications, Economic Development