Take Action on Radon Campaign 2019

November is Radon Action Month in Canada and the Government of Yukon is encouraging homeowners to test their homes.

Radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking. The invisible, radioactive gas occurs naturally in some soils and may be present in any home in the territory. It enters buildings through cracks, drains, sump pumps and gaps around pipe fittings. If a test shows that radon levels are above the Health Canada guideline of 200 Becquerels per cubic metre (200 Bq/m3) Yukoners are encouraged to take action to remove radon from their home.

In Whitehorse, radon test kits are on sale at Home Hardware with a subsidy from the Yukon Lung Association. In communities, a limited number of test kits are available at Yukon Housing Corporation offices.

The Take Action on Radon campaign is a partnership between the Government of Yukon, Yukon Lung Association and the Public Service Alliance of Canada, with the support of Health Canada.

Radon gas can be present in any home in any community in Yukon. The only way to know if there is radon in your house is to test for it, so I encourage all Yukoners to test their home.

Minister of Health and Social Services and Minister Responsible for the Yukon Housing Corporation Pauline Frost

Radon is invisible, but the risk is real. Get your home tested this winter.

Chief Medical Officer of Health, Doctor Brendan Hanley 

The Yukon Lung Association encourages all Yukoners to test their homes for radon gas. This year, kits are available at Home Hardware with a $10 subsidy from the Yukon Lung Association and for free in Yukon Housing Corporation Community offices in communities.

President of the Yukon Lung Association, Doug MacLean

The impact of continuous exposure to radon at home and work can lead to lung cancer. Members of Workplace Health & Safety Committees are encouraged to enquire about radon testing and any available results for their respective worksites.

Chair of the PSAC North Yukon Regional Health & Safety Committee Dianne Williams

Quick facts
  • It is recommended that Yukoners test their homes for a minimum of three months during the winter.

  • There are certified radon measurement and mitigation specialists in Yukon who can test for radon in your home and take steps to remove it, if needed.

  • It is estimated that a non-smoker exposed to high levels of radon over a lifetime has a one in 20 chance of developing lung cancer. This increases to one in three for someone who smokes.

  • Yukon has one of the highest levels of radon in Canada. It can be present in any home in the territory. The only way to know if your home has radon in it is to test for it.

  • Radon test kits typically cost $60. In Whitehorse, they are available from Home Hardware for $40, including a subsidy from Yukon Lung Association. There are a limited number of kits available for free at Yukon Housing Corporation offices in communities.

  • If a test shows a reading of 200 Becquerels per cubic meter (Bq) /m3 of radon gas or higher, Health Canada recommends action to remediate your home. The higher the concentration of radon, the sooner something needs to be done about it.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Sarah Murray
Communications, Yukon Housing Corporation

Katrina Russell
Communications, Health and Social Services

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