Support for restaurants extended

Restaurants and other businesses with a liquor licence will continue to receive a discount of 25 per cent off the retail price of liquor until November 1, 2020.  

The extension takes into account the continued challenges that businesses face during the pandemic, including financial impacts from closures, reopening costs and reduced tourism.

Additional measures introduced to support Yukon licensees during the pandemic include a 50 per cent refund of this year’s licence fee and the deferral of updates to the wholesale price list until October 1, 2020. The Yukon Liquor Corporation has also worked with the Liquor Board to support off-premise licensees, and extend hours and provide additional flexibility in the space and footprint requirements of restaurants.

Yukon restaurants and other food establishments have had to make swift adjustments to accommodate customer safety and to adapt to the disrupted tourist season. Our government is pleased to extend this discount to Yukon’s restaurant industry and support our local businesses.

Minister responsible for the Yukon Liquor Corporation John Streicker 

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Amelie Quirke-Tomlins
Yukon Liquor Corporation

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