The Yukon Advisory Committee on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit+ People has issued the following statement:
“The Yukon Advisory Committee on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit+ People acknowledges the families and communities impacted by the coroner’s inquest these past three weeks. We recognize the re-traumatization and grief that this has brought back for so many, and we extend our support and prayers to all of those who have been deeply impacted by the loss of a family and community member. We also acknowledge the incredible efforts of all organizations and individuals providing support before, during and after the proceedings.
“Although the scope of the inquest was limited, the pathways that led us here are well-documented in Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and the Implementation Plan for Changing the Story to Upholding Dignity and Justice: Yukon’s MMIWG2S+ Strategy. We cannot ignore the race and gender of the four women who died and the larger systemic factors surrounding these deaths. There is much work to do towards gender equity and truth and reconciliation.
“We look forward to conducting a thorough review of the jury’s recommendations, as well as hearing the recommendations from Indigenous women’s organizations and family members when they are ready. We are committed to considering how these recommendations can be incorporated into the Implementation Plan for Changing the Story to Upholding Dignity and Justice: Yukon’s MMIWG2S+ Strategy. It is our sincerest hope that we all learn from these heartbreaking deaths and that we move forward with much more knowledge, unity and compassion and with the bravery needed to incorporate important change.”
Odile Nelson
Communications, Women and Gender Equity Directorate
On behalf of Yukon Advisory Committee on MMIWG2S+