Statement on the vaccine requirement for Government of Yukon employees

Minister responsible for the Public Service Commission John Streicker has issued the following statement:

“As of now, all Government of Yukon public servants, volunteers and contractors are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This requirement for employment is important to ensure all employees have a safe workplace and can safely provide programs and services to Yukoners.

“Currently 95 per cent of Yukon government employees have attested to being fully vaccinated or received an exemption. Fully vaccinated means they have received two doses of a Health Canada approved COVID-19 vaccine. This does not include booster shots at this time. The Government of Yukon is currently in the process of verifying all employees’ vaccination attestations.

 “Government of Yukon employees who have not yet complied with the requirement to attest to their first and second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine were placed on leave without pay. Employees who did not attest to their first dose by November 30, 2021, were placed on leave without pay starting December 1, 2021. Employees who did not attest to their second dose by January 30, 2022, were placed on leave without pay starting January 31, 2022. At present, this includes 108 full-time employees and 203 part-time/casual employees. Vaccines remain the most important level of protection against COVID-19. Employees who are placed on leave without pay can return to work once they have attested to being fully vaccinated.

“I want to thank all of our public servants across government for their dedication in providing programs and services for Yukoners throughout the territory. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges above and beyond the day-to-day operations of government and our employees have stepped up to support and serve all Yukoners. I express my sincere gratitude on behalf of the entire territory.

“We are pleased to see the high rate of attestations among employees. While we have experienced some staffing pressures, all Yukon government departments and agencies have business continuity plans in place to ensure programs and services continue to be delivered.

“The Government of Yukon will continue to make decisions based on the advice and recommendations of the Yukon’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health to keep employees and the public safe and healthy."

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

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