Statement from Premier Silver on the passing of Doug Bell

Premier Silver has issued the following statement: 

“Everyone who had the pleasure of knowing Doug Bell will remember a family man who dearly loved his late wife Pearl and took great joy in serving his community.

Doug began his career as a public servant in 1946, at the age of 20, the same year he and Pearl married. The job eventually brought him to Whitehorse where, in 1976, he was elected to City Council. After becoming Yukon’s 34th Commissioner in 1980, he was charged with establishing ‘responsible government’ in the Yukon. It was a major legislative and administrative task that would forever alter governance in the territory.

After retirement, Doug invested his energies in volunteer work. He chaired various committees, including Yukon’s Emergency Measures Organization, the Federal Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee (FICC), the Northern Resources Conference and the Hootalinqua Land Use Study. A former member of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Doug was also active in the Legion. 

Doug was a man who always enjoyed writing. He ran his own writing, photography and public speaking business out of his home. Upon becoming publisher of the Yukon News in 1986, he wrote a weekly column, Rambling, which offered humorous and light-hearted insights into daily life.

Doug was recognized in 1989 when he was appointed to the Order of Canada. In 2020, he was awarded the Order of Yukon.

Doug will be remembered fondly by family and the many friends he made throughout his long and productive life. His legacy lives on in the work he did but also in the way he approached life.”

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

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