Statement from Premier Silver on the passing of Darius Elias

Premier Silver has issued the following statement: 

“Like many Yukoners, I was shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of Darius Elias. I knew him as a fellow politician, an avid hockey fan, a loyal citizen of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, and a proud father, and a dear friend.

Darius served the riding of Vuntut as a Member of the Legislative Assembly from 2006 to 2016. The people of Old Crow trusted him to advocate for their values and community. This fuelled his passion to protect and advocate for the Porcupine Caribou Herd, and his travels to educate the world about this critical habitat.

Darius dedicated himself to environmental matters since his youth, when he was Canada’s representative in New York City at the United Nations Summit. Darius studied renewable resources management and eventually became a park warden at Vuntut National Park. He served on countless boards and committees dedicated to the protecting of fish and wildlife before and after politics.

Darius was the interim leader of the Liberal Party in 2011, when I was starting out as an MLA. In my first year as MLA for Klondike, no one reached out to mentor or guide me more than Darius. I will always cherish his genuine concern and sound advice. In the Legislative Assembly, Darius was knowledgeable and passionate. When needed, he could be fierce when speaking for his community.

Darius was extremely proud of his children and the rest of his family. My heart goes out to them.”

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

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