Statement from Premier Silver on the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

The submission of the Final Report of the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls to the Government of Canada marks an historic moment for our country. The loss of so many Indigenous women and girls is not just a women’s issue or an Indigenous issue, but a national issue that must be addressed by all levels of government through a cross-jurisdictional lens. All Canadians are affected by the tragic events documented through this Inquiry, and all Canadians have a stake in ending violence against Indigenous women and girls and LGBTQ2S+ individuals.

Yukon was honoured to host the first public hearings of the Inquiry. We have participated fully since the beginning because we believe in the value of this Inquiry. We thank all the families who came forward to share their stories and their grief. They have shown tremendous strength and courage, and have helped us move forward with this important work.

Our government will take time to review the report and carefully reflect on the recommendations that have been made. We will continue to work in partnership with the Yukon Advisory Committee on an action plan going forward. As a national issue, it will require collaboration and partnership both within and between all levels of government to implement change.

I look forward to discussing this report with my fellow Premiers at several meetings this summer, including at the Northern Premiers Forum later this month in Dawson City.

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