Statement from Premier Sandy Silver on the court decision in R v. Baker and Baker

Premier Silver has issued the following statement:

“Today Mr. and Mrs. Baker pleaded guilty to failing to self-isolate as required and failing to abide by their declarations made upon entry into the Yukon. They were both fined the maximum amount allowable under the Civil Emergency Measures Act.

“The territory’s self-isolation requirements are in place to protect the health and safety of all Yukoners. Anyone who violates the self-isolation requirements puts all Yukoners at risk and we take those actions very seriously.

“The choices these individuals made put the people of Beaver Creek and White River First Nation citizens at risk, including some of the most vulnerable members of this isolated community. Yukoners are outraged by this selfish behaviour, and find it disturbing that people would choose to put fellow Canadians at risk in this manner.

“We acknowledge the Bakers have each donated a modest amount to the COVAX program, an international organization that works to ensure global access to COVID-19 vaccines. While this donation reflects remorse on the part of the Bakers, they have not yet directly apologized to the White River First Nation and the residents of Beaver Creek.

“The community of Beaver Creek feels violated by the actions of the Bakers. They have called for an apology and they deserve one.”

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

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