Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:
“Today in Whitehorse I had the pleasure of meeting with U.S. Consul General Jim DeHart, to continue our discussions about how our governments can continue to collaborate for the benefit of our citizens. Since the Consul General assumed his role in 2023, we have appreciated his partnership on a number of shared priorities between the Yukon and the United States.
“During his visit, the Consul General and I spoke about Canada-U.S. border matters, critical minerals opportunities, infrastructure to support our mining sector, Arctic security and cross-border training initiatives on community safety and MMIWG2S+ issues. I also shared with Consul General DeHart the positive collaboration that we have undertaken with our neighbours in Alaska in recent months, including our recently announced agreement on funding much-needed upgrades for the north Alaska Highway.
” I thank the Consul General for his ongoing attention to the Yukon and Arctic issues. His involvement, alongside the years of deliberate relationship building, helps to highlight the value of the Yukon working directly with U.S. decision makers.
I look forward to continuing to work with our U.S. partners to accomplish our cross-border goals, ultimately bolstering our territory's economy and delivering benefits to Yukoners.
Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications
Myra Nicks
Communications, Executive Council Office