Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:
“Today, we recognize and celebrate Ukrainian Independence Day, as we have done since 1991.
“Similar to last year, these celebrations are tinged with sadness and anger in recognition that Ukraine is not truly free. Today marks 18 months since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the effects of which have been horrific. Ukrainian sovereignty and the democratic values of freedom and justice that so many have worked so hard to establish have been ripped from the country by this unjust war.
“On Ukrainian Independence Day, and every day, we celebrate the unique culture, language and self-identity of the people of Ukraine. Their dedication to defending democracy inspires us all.
“On this Independence Day, the Ukrainian people are not alone. The Yukon and all of Canada stand with them, celebrating their achievements and offering a helping hand and a welcoming home for those in need of a place to stay.
“The Ukrainian Canadian Association of the Yukon (UCAY) deserves commendation for the help they have provided to Ukrainian people who have relocated to the territory as well as the support they have provided to the broader Ukrainian community.
“This includes the Ukrainian Independence Day Rally, where Minister Nils Clarke delivered remarks on my behalf today in Whitehorse. We appreciate all that the UCAY has done – and continues to do – as well the actions of all Yukoners who have shown support for the Ukrainian cause.
“Slava Ukraini!”
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Myra Nicks
Communications, Executive Council Office