Statement from Premier Pillai on International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

This statement has been edited to show that First Nations 101 training is available for all Government of Yukon employees.

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is held annually on March 21. This observation marks the date police in Sharpeville, South Africa, killed 69 people during an anti-apartheid protest in 1960.

“While much progress has been made, Indigenous peoples, racialized people, and religious minority communities continue to face racism and discrimination every day.

“Our government remains committed to taking action against inequities and to working hard to promote diversity and inclusion.

“As part of this, we continue to strengthen relationships with First Nations governments as well as provide support for organizations that advocate for racialized communities within the territory. Within the public service, we are strengthening the government as a culturally-safe and supportive work environment for First Nations employees. This includes mentorship opportunities, secondments within First Nations governments and First Nations 101 training for employees.

“I am proud that our territory is so culturally diverse. With the recent increase to the territory’s number of allocations under the Yukon Nominee Program, we look forward to seeing more people of diverse backgrounds immigrate to the territory.

“I encourage all Yukoners to use this opportunity to reflect and re-examine prejudice, privilege and the ways we view the world. Together, we celebrate our commonalities, embrace our differences and build a stronger, more inclusive society for everyone to call home.”


Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

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