SKY flight team to provide highly specialized care to the youngest Yukoners

The territory’s air ambulance program has expanded to include obstetrical, neonatal and pediatric critical care transport capabilities through Yukon’s new SKY (Sick Kids Yukon) flight team.

Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee and Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn were joined by Yukon EMS Deputy Chief of Clinical Operations Ryan Soucy to unveil the flight team and provide an overview of the program this afternoon at the Emergency Response Centre in Whitehorse.

This people-centred program provides highly specialized care to the youngest Yukoners. It will result in shorter response times for these patients to southern jurisdictions, cost savings from reduced use of southern air ambulance services and enhanced obstetrical, pediatric and neonatal services in rural Yukon communities.

Insured Health purchased the necessary equipment and Yukon pediatricians offered support and training to help launch this program, leveraging a strong foundation of critical care skills and knowledge already embedded within the Yukon EMS team.

Now, in partnership with the University of Maryland, Baltimore, Yukon EMS is the only Educational Site License of the Pediatric, Neonatal Critical Care Transport (PNCCT) training program in Canada.

The launch of the SKY flight team is an incredible milestone for the Yukon, one that has been in the works for quite some time thanks to some truly passionate pediatricians. Thank you to all partners involved in seeing this off the ground. Your efforts will save lives and bring added comfort to expecting mothers, new parents and young children in some of the most stressful moments of their lives.

Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn

The SKY flight team program is an incredible step forward in providing highly specialized critical care to our youngest Yukoners. This is a transformational moment that will contribute to Yukoners’ health and safety, and I congratulate the teams who all worked so hard to get us here. Your continued efforts will undoubtedly save lives across our communities.

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee

I am excited to support the SKY flight team program by providing training to the first group of paramedics. This team already has strong critical care capabilities, and their passion for learning really shone through while expanding their skills to provide this level of care to obstetrical, neonatal and pediatric patients.

Pediatrician Katharine Smart, MD, DTM&G, FRCPC

The SKY flight team program is all about partnership and we are thrilled to see it finally come together with the support of Insured Health and Yukon physicians. This is an excellent example of multi-departmental collaboration to improve the lives of Yukoners and contribute to healthy, sustainable communities.

Yukon EMS Deputy Chief of Clinical Operations Ryan Soucy

Quick facts
  • Previously, Yukon EMS depended on providers in southern air ambulance teams to transport children, infants and women with high-risk pregnancies. This often resulted in long wait times of 8 to 36 hours during critical situations and scenarios.

  • Thirteen Critical Care Paramedics in the Yukon are now trained and certified to transport obstetrical, neonatal and pediatric patients in critical condition via air ambulance.

  • The Department of Health and Social Services’ Insured Health program has provided approximately $175,000 in capital funding to purchase the required equipment for this program, reaffirming the government’s commitment to modernizing medical travel and the objectives of the Putting People First report.  

  • In partnership with the University of Maryland, Baltimore, Yukon EMS is the only Educational Site License of the Pediatric, Neonatal Critical Care Transport (PNCCT) training program in Canada.

  • The Government of Yukon works with Alkan Air to provide planes and pilots for the air ambulance program.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Kat Hallett
Communications, Protective Services

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