Series of activities planned for Emergency Preparedness Week

This week is Emergency Preparedness Week and the Government of Yukon is hosting a series of awareness and educational activities.

This year’s Emergency Preparedness week theme is “Emergency Preparedness: Be Ready for Anything.” Emergency preparedness is a joint effort and starts with each individual long before an emergency occurs. This week marks an opportunity for Yukoners to consider whether they are prepared for all types of emergencies and how they can prepare for potential flooding and contribute to wildfire resilient Yukon communities. Yukoners are encouraged to participate in one of the planned activities this week, or to visit to learn more about how they can prepare for all hazards.
For a full list of activities, visit  

Planned activities

Monday, May 2 to Saturday, May 7: Follow Yukon Protective Services on social media

  • Yukon Protective Services will be sharing emergency preparedness tips all week long on Facebook.
  • Learn simple steps Yukoners can take to prepare their household for all hazards, and how to prepare for specific types of emergencies such as wildfires and floods.
  • Participate in a social media contest for a chance to win a 72-hour emergency kit. 

Wednesday, May 4, 1:55 pm: AlertReady emergency alerting system test and Facebook Live 

  • The Emergency Measures Organization will be testing the AlertReady emergency alerting system at approximately 1:55 p.m.
  • The test broadcast on wireless devices, radio and televisions across the territory.
  • A Facebook Live event will take place on the Yukon Protective Services Facebook page shortly after the test where Yukoners can learn more about the system and what they should do in a real emergency. 

Thursday May 5, 12 to 1 pm: Preparing yourself for an emergency, virtual workshop

  • Yukoners will learn how to prepare for different types of emergencies directly from the experts at Yukon Protective Services in this one-hour virtual session.
  • Register in advance for this session: 
  • After registering, Yukoners will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Saturday May 7, 12 to 3 pm: Community Wildfire and Emergency Preparedness BBQ, Whitehorse

  • Yukoners are invited to join Yukon Protective Services and Whitehorse Fire and Protective Services for a BBQ at Fire Station #2 located at the Public Safety Building at the top of Two Mile Hill. Parking is at the Takhini Arena.
  • Learn about all aspects of public safety while celebrating Emergency Preparedness Week and Community Wildfire Protection Day.
  • There will be door prizes and special appearances by Smokey Bear and Sparky the Fire Dog. 
Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Kat Hallett
Communications, Protective Services

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