September 30 now a federal holiday for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

On June 3, 2021, Government of Canada’s Bill C-5 received Royal Assent, providing federal employees with the day off on September 30.

Today, the Government of Yukon is announcing it will mark September 30 as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Those working in federally regulated workplaces in the Yukon and Yukon government employees will not be required to be at work on September 30. Schools will be closed across the territory.

This new statutory holiday serves to honour the Survivors, families and communities impacted by residential schools in Canada and the continued trauma faced by Indigenous communities throughout the country. It is one of the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and a reminder that our journey towards reconciliation is ongoing.

Yukoners are encouraged to use this day to reflect on the role they play in reconciliation, to learn more about First Nations communities and to understand Canada’s history with Indigenous peoples.

The Government of Yukon will work closely with First Nations, businesses and communities in the coming months on how to mark this day and to commemorate it with respect and compassion.

The intergenerational impacts of residential schools and the trauma they brought continues to affect so many families across Canada. I encourage all of us to take this time to better understand the legacy of Canada’s persecution of Indigenous peoples and how we can make a difference in our own communities today. Reconciliation is a journey we must take together.

Minister of the Public Service Commission John Streicker

Quick facts
  • The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was formerly known as Orange Shirt Day. This day was chosen as it was the day children were typically taken from their families.

  • The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was part of the Government of Canada’s Bill C-5.

  • Federal employees and workers in federally regulated workplaces in the Yukon will observe this day as outlined in the collective agreements which means most public-facing services such as schools and courts will be closed on September 30.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Aimee O’Connor
Communications, Public Service Commission

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