Senior leadership changes in the public service

Premier Sandy Silver has appointed Pamela Muir as the new Public Service Commissioner and Ed van Randen as acting Deputy Minister at the Department of Environment.

Tom Ullyett, the Deputy Minister for the Department of Justice, has been acting Public Service Commissioner since December 2016. Ullyett will retire from the Government of Yukon in September 2018. Muir will start on September 10.

Joe MacGillivray, Deputy Minister with the Department of Environment, is leaving the Government of Yukon. Van Randen will start on August 1.

A competition will be held for the Deputy Minister positions at the Department of Environment and the Department of Justice.

Both Pam Muir and Ed van Randen have been appointed based on their many years of experience as dedicated public servants and strong leaders. I look forward to working with them to make our public service the best it can be.

I would like to thank Joe MacGillivray for his many years of service.

Premier Sandy Silver

Quick facts
  • The Public Service Commissioner is the head of the Government of Yukon’s Public Service Commission and is appointed under the Public Service Act for up to 10 years.

  • The Public Service Commission develops, maintains, administers and supervises the public service of the Government of Yukon and can delegate these responsibilities to departments.

  • Deputy Ministers serve at the pleasure of the Premier and take direction from the Minister responsible for their department.

  • See backgrounder for biographies. 



Pamela Muir

Pamela Muir began her career as an articling student with the Government of Yukon’s Department of Justice in 1992. This was followed by many years as legal counsel providing legal and policy advice to government on a range of topics including negotiation and implementation of First Nations land claim treaties and self government agreements. From 1999 to 2002, as devolution counsel and then devolution coordinator, she was involved in the negotiation and implementation of the transfer of programs and employees from the federal to the territorial government. In 2014 she moved from her position as chief legislative counsel into the role of assistant deputy minister of strategic corporate services for the Executive Council Office. She has been on leave in the past year to complete her master of laws degree from the University of Edinburgh. She also has a bachelor of law from Dalhousie University and a bachelor of commerce from McGill University.

Ed van Randen

Ed van Randen joined the Government of Yukon in 2001 and has progressed through a variety of policy and resource management roles at the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources and the Department of Environment. He has held positions as director of policy, assistant deputy minister for corporate services and climate change, and assistant deputy minister of environmental sustainability. He is currently the assistant deputy minister for strategic corporate services with the Executive Council Office. Van Randen attended Simon Fraser University where he completed a bachelor degree in psychology and a master of science degree in biology.

Media contact

Tom Ullyett
a/Public Service Commissioner

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