Second COVID-19 boosters offered for people aged 50 and over

The Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health has recommended second COVID-19 boosters to Yukoners who are aged 50 and over. This builds on the previous recommendations announced April 7 for second boosters for people who are aged 70 and over, seniors living in long-term care or other senior congregate living settings and immunocompromised Yukoners.

Throughout the pandemic, data has shown that the main risk factor for severe outcomes from COVID-19 is age. First boosters were also rolled-out in the same way and eligibility expanded based on age.

To be eligible for a second booster dose, six months must have passed since the first booster. In addition, for people who have recently had COVID-19, a second booster is not recommended until at least three months have passed since symptoms started or testing positive.

Second booster appointments for people who are aged 50 and over will be available starting May 13, 2022. Whitehorse residents can book their appointment on and people living in rural Yukon can get their second booster during ongoing community clinics. Check to make an appointment or contact your local health centre.


We know that vaccination is our best protection against COVID-19 and boosters help ensure that our immune responses to COVID-19 remain high. By offering second boosters to people aged 50 and over, we are ensuring Yukoners have the strongest protection available against the virus. 

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee

Expanding the eligibility for the second COVID-19 boosters will help Yukoners ensure they maintain a high level of protection. Vaccination is the best protection against COVID-19 and severe outcomes such as hospitalization and even death. We will continue to assess the COVID-19 risk in the territory and update recommendations as necessary. I encourage all Yukoners to stay up to date on all recommended doses. 

Medical Officer of Health Dr. Jesse Kancir

Quick facts
  • As of May 3, 2022: 
    o 89 per cent and 85 per cent of Yukoners ages five and older have received their first and second doses, respectively; 
    o 53 per cent of Yukoners ages 12 and older have received a third or booster dose; and 
    o 407  people have received a second booster. 

  • Appointments will be available online for Whitehorse residents and will begin on May 13 . Make an appointment online or by calling 1-877-374-0425.

  • For residents in most rural communities, clinics are being planned and second boosters will be available at your next community clinic. Check to make an appointment or contact your local health centre. 

  • To ensure the vaccination credential reflects the entire vaccine history, Yukoners need to request a new credential after each dose of a vaccine. 

  • Yukoners should wait at least 24 hours after their vaccination before requesting a proof of vaccination credential.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Lisa Wiklund
Communications, Health and Social Services

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