Ross River suspension bridge is open in time for summer

Joint news release with the Government of Canada and Ross River Dena Council

All repairs are complete and the Ross River Suspension Bridge is once again open for pedestrian travel across the Pelly River.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker, Member of Parliament for Yukon Larry Bagnell, on behalf of the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, and Chief Jack Caesar of the Ross River Dena Council joined in a community celebration today to mark the reopening of the bridge to pedestrian use. Additionally, students of the Ross River School finished painting the concrete anchor blocks of the bridge with their own and traditional Kaska First Nation designs.

The Government of Canada is committed to contribute more than $3 million to the project and the Government of Yukon is committed to contribute more than $1 million for the phase 2 repairs to the 319-metre long bridge through the federal Small Communities Fund. These repairs included the installation of new stairs, cables, anchors and decking and chain link fencing for the railing.



"This bridge is vital to the community and we’re very excited it’s open again for local residents and visitors. Thanks to the folks of Ross River for their patience and cooperation while we made these needed repairs."

The Honourable John Streicker, Minister of Community Services

"Investing in public infrastructure is really about building strong and inclusive communities. Thanks to this partnership between the federal, territorial and local governments, Ross River residents are now able to access and enjoy the rehabilitated suspension bridge. The reopening of this historic bridge will improve the quality of life of residents in this beautiful area."

The Honourable Larry Bagnell, Member of Parliament for Yukon, on behalf of the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities

"We are very pleased to celebrate the reopening of the suspension bridge.  We thank the governments of Canada and Yukon for their funding to complete these long-awaited infrastructure repairs."

Ross River Dena Council Chief Jack Caesar

« Nous sommes ravis que les résidents et les visiteurs puissent circuler de nouveau sur ce pont indispensable. Merci aux gens de Ross River pour leur patience et leur collaboration tout au long de ces travaux essentiels. »

M. John Streicker, ministre des Services aux collectivités

« Investir dans les infrastructures publiques, c’est contribuer à bâtir des collectivités fortes et inclusives. Grâce à ce partenariat entre les administrations fédérale, territoriale et locale, les résidents de Ross River peuvent désormais circuler sur un pont remis à neuf. La réouverture de ce pont historique améliorera la qualité de vie des résidents de ce magnifique secteur. »

L’honorable Larry Bagnell, au nom de l’honorable Amarjeet Sohi, ministre de l’Infrastructure et des Collectivités

« Nous sommes enchantés de souligner aujourd’hui la réouverture du pont suspendu. Merci aux gouvernements du Canada et du Yukon d’avoir financé ces travaux tant attendus. »

M. Jack Caesar, chef du Conseil Dena de Ross River

Quick facts
  • An inspection of the 70-year-old bridge in 2013 revealed that the structure was at imminent risk of failure. The bridge has been closed to all public use since then.

  • The first phase of repairs to the bridge included stabilizing the structure, including the north and south towers, at a cost of $1.5 million.

  • The Phase 2 repairs, including design, cost $4.3 million. The work was completed in early May.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Bonnie Venton Ross
Communications, Community Services

Brook Simpson
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities

Infrastructure Canada
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Twitter: @INFC_eng
Web: Infrastructure Canada

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