Residential rent increases in Yukon to be indexed to inflation

Effective May 15, the Government of Yukon is temporarily indexing residential rent increases in the territory to inflation. Indexing Yukon’s residential rent to inflation is a key policy initiative agreed to under the Confidence and Supply Agreement, which runs until January 31, 2023.

From May 15, 2021, through May 14, 2022, landlords may only increase residential rents by 1 per cent, which is the Consumer Prince Index for Whitehorse for 2020. If a landlord gave notice of a rental increase that takes effect after May 15, 2021, they may still increase their rent but the rental increase is limited to 1 per cent. If the landlord chooses to proceed with a rent increase after May 15, the landlord will have to give their tenant a separate notice of the 1 per cent rental increase.

The government will review the rent increase percentage each year after the Consumer Price Index is published.

Indexing residential rent increases to inflation is one initiative to support the housing needs of Yukoners. The Government of Yukon continues to take a multi-faceted approach to increasing housing options for Yukoners throughout the territory. These include launching the Canada-Yukon Housing Benefit, which provides financial support directly to renters in need, as well as initiatives designed to make more housing available in the territory, such as the development of new residential lots.

Stable affordable housing contributes to the health and wellbeing of all Yukoners and it remains a priority for our government. This temporary residential rent index is one of many approaches to address the need for affordable housing in our territory. Over the next two years, our government will continue to work with both tenants and landlords to evaluate this initiative and look at further options to ensure Yukoners have access to housing they can afford.

Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn

Our economy isn’t working when people can’t afford their home. Tenants need protection now against hundreds of dollars in rent increase. This brings predictability to landlords and tenants and provides relief for tenants until more affordable rental units can be built.

Yukon NDP Leader Kate White 

Quick facts
  • Indexing residential rental increases to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is the result of a regulatory change under the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act.

  • The Consumer Price Index is calculated on an annual basis by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics. The CPI for 2020 was 1 per cent.

  • To increase the supply of housing in the territory, in the last four years the Government of Yukon has:

    • released 500 lots for development across Yukon;
    • supported development of more than 600 homes since 2018;
    • provided more than $23 million towards home ownership programs; and
    • launched the Canada-Yukon Housing Benefit to help make rental market more affordable for Yukoners.
  • Moving forward, the Government of Yukon has also identified a number of housing initiatives, including:

    • develop and release 1,000 new lots in the next five years across the Yukon;
    • work with the private sector on developing the Fifth and Rogers parcel in Whitehorse to increase the amount of available housing;
    • support the establishment of the Yukon Community Land Trust, which will create a permanently affordable housing through a rent-to-own model; and
    • continue to develop incentives for the construction of affordable housing.
  • The Confidence and Supply Agreement (CASA) was signed on April 28, 2021. The agreement is between the Liberals and the NDP and lays out 16 policy initiatives that the parties will work towards. The agreement is in effect until January 31, 2023.

Media contact

Renee Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Aisha Montgomery
Communications, Community Services

Francois Picard
Chief of Staff (he/him)
Yukon NDP Caucus
Tel. 867-336-2025 / 1-800-661-0408, extension 7051

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