The Government of Yukon has introduced new regulations under the Cannabis Control and Regulation Act for private retail sales of non-medical cannabis in the territory.
The Cannabis Licensing Regulation outlines what is required for a Yukon business to become a cannabis retailer and how to operate under a standard licence. This includes the application process, fees, physical location restrictions and regular reporting requirements.
The Yukon Liquor Corporation is planning to provide information sessions in early 2019 for interested businesses, First Nations governments and municipal governments.
A Cannabis Licensing Board will be formed shortly, to review applications for retail licences.
Regulations for consumption places, e-commerce and special event permitting will be developed later in 2019 as federal rules on edibles come into place.
This regulation provides a base model for the private retail of cannabis and allows communities to further define how they want to tailor retail sales for their citizens. It is consistent with our priorities of displacing illegal activity while protecting youth and public health. We look forward to seeing private sales of cannabis begin in 2019, and phasing out Cannabis Yukon’s physical retail store.
Two types of retail licences are authorized under the Regulation:
- a stand-alone cannabis retail store model; and
- a store-within-a-store retail model.
The Regulation prohibits the sale of alcohol or tobacco within a business licensed to sell cannabis and cannabis accessories. However, municipal governments have the authority to alter this restriction by bylaw. In unincorporated communities, the Minister may vary the prohibition by ministerial order.
All cannabis retail store licensees managers, directors and employees of a cannabis retail store are required to provide criminal record history checks on application and must complete cannabis retail training.
The maximum hours allowed by a licence that authorizes cannabis retail sales is 9 a.m. to 2 a.m. These hours can be further restricted by a municipal bylaw or by the Cannabis Licensing Board.
Licence fees:
- application fee – $2,050
- annual fee (12 months) – $2,150
- renewal fee – $1,550
The maximum term for a licence is three years. After three years, a licence must be renewed.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
Scott Westerlaken
Communications, Yukon Liquor Corporation