Public input sought on extending term of office for municipal councils

The Government of Yukon is seeking public input on extending the term of office for mayors and councils of Yukon municipalities and local advisory councils from three to four years.

The Association of Yukon Communities passed a unanimous resolution at their annual general meeting in May to request that the Yukon government extend the term of office for municipal councils, before the next general election in October 2024. The resolution also directed that the organization work with the Government of Yukon to engage with Yukon citizens to seek their input on extending the term of office. 

Yukoners are invited to provide their feedback through an online survey at from September 1 to September 28. Paper copies of the survey will be available at municipal offices, community libraries and in the lobby of the Jim Smith Building at 2071 2nd Avenue in Whitehorse. Respondents can mail completed paper surveys in the self-addressed envelopes by September 28, 2022.

Earlier this spring, we signed a renewed partnership agreement with the Association of Yukon Communities and at their annual general meeting, they reached a decision to request that the term of office for municipal councils be extended from three to four years. I encourage Yukoners to share their thoughts and help us gain a clear understanding of what Yukon voters think of this possible extension.

Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn 

The Yukon has significantly grown in previous years and as a result so have the issues, challenges, and expectations facing municipal governments. Increasing the length of term for municipal governments to four years will allow them to better address these challenges and deliver on these expectations for the direct benefit of our citizens. Extending the term will also have the added benefit of saving taxpayers money by reducing the frequency of costly elections. I want to thank the Government of Yukon, the Department of Community Services, and the Minister for quickly responding to this request from the Association of Yukon Communities and for working closely and collaboratively with us on it. 

President of Association of Yukon Communities Ted Laking

Quick facts
  • The Municipal Act governs municipal governments in the Yukon, including local advisory councils. Any changes to term of office require public engagement prior to making amendments to the legislation.  

  • A summary of the survey results will be provided in a What We Heard document.

  • The Yukon and Northwest Territories are the only jurisdictions in Canada with three-year terms for municipal government.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Bonnie Venton Ross
Communications, Community Services


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