Public engagement on permanent paid sick leave begins

Yukoners are invited to provide their input on how permanent paid sick leave should be established in the territory. An online engagement on this topic is now open and will run until December 10, 2021.

All Yukoners can participate in this engagement by completing a survey, answering a number of quick polls, sharing their ideas and stories or asking questions. This input and feedback will be compiled in a What We Heard summary and shared publicly through the engagement website.

This engagement is supported by the Yukon’s Making Work Safe panel. This panel is made up of individuals brought together to represent workers and employers, and is co-chaired by Minister Richard Mostyn and MLA Emily Tredger. As a commitment of the 2021 Confidence and Supply Agreement, the panel has been tasked with conducting a public consultation to develop recommendations for the Legislative Assembly to establish permanent paid sick days in the Yukon. These recommendations will be presented in a report by January 31, 2022. The panel will use this feedback to provide recommendations for amendments to the Employment Standards Act

This is an important engagement and I encourage Yukoners to provide their feedback. Paid sick leave is not currently part of the Yukon's Employment Standards Act and before changes to this act are considered, we need to know how Yukoners feel about this issue. If you are currently an employer or worker in the territory, please take a moment to participate in this engagement.

Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn

 The Covid-19 pandemic has made the need for paid sick leave clearer than ever. When people have to choose between losing wages and going to work sick, it’s not safe for workers and it’s not safe for the public. A paid sick leave program will help keep all Yukoners safe.

MLA for Whitehorse Centre Emily Tredger

Quick facts
  • The Making Work Safe Panel members include Richard Mostyn, Minister of Community Services, Emily Tredger, MLA for Whitehorse Centre, Justin Lemphers, Staci McIntosh, Kai Miller, Sheila Vanderbyl.

  • The Confidence and Supply Agreement (CASA) was signed by the Liberal and NDP caucuses on April 28, 2021. It is in effect until January 31, 2023.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Pascaline Etter
Chief of Staff
Yukon NDP Caucus

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