Yukoners are being asked to contribute their ideas and experiences to help inform how the Government of Yukon should invest resources to stimulate and diversify Yukon’s technology and knowledge economy.
The results of this engagement will help to determine the future of innovation in Yukon and how the Government of Yukon can support and drive innovation. The input of Yukoners is essential to help inform what innovation looks like in Yukon’s tech and knowledge sector as well as the perceived barriers and challenges businesses and entrepreneurs are facing.
Yukoners can contribute their perspectives by filling out a survey on engageyukon.ca The survey will be open until October 28, 2020.
The insights gathered will be compiled into a What We Heard document and contribute to the development of a five-year innovation strategy for Yukon.
Yukon’s growing technology and innovation sector continues to play an important role in diversifying our economy. This engagement is a significant step in identifying the priorities of Yukoners and the obstacles they face so that we can strategically support innovation, entrepreneurship and our local knowledge economy.
Innovation is the creation of new businesses and social models, or improving processes and service delivery in established businesses and industries.
Topics for engagement include, but are not limited to:
- global technology trends and its application in Yukon;
- talent development and attraction needs;
- venture capital and growth of angel investors; and
- programs and services that Yukon should focus on in the next five years.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
Damian Topps
Communications, Economic Development