The Yukon Liquor Corporation will begin accepting applications for private retail cannabis licences on February 20, 2019. Applications are available online and through the Yukon Liquor Corporation.
Once an application is complete and the period for public comments has passed the Cannabis Licensing Board will review the application package. The Cannabis Control and Regulation Act requires that all persons who sell cannabis have cannabis retail training. The Yukon Liquor Corporation will be offering this training to retailers in March 2019.
We are encouraged by the interest the private sector has shown in cannabis retail and we look forward to working with private retailers in the near future. As we transition to a private retail model in Yukon, we remain committed to displacing the illegal market and promoting health, safety and harm reduction.
A sole proprietor, partnership or corporation can apply for a cannabis licence as long as the applicant is eligible to do so under the Cannabis Control and Regulation Act.
The Cannabis Licensing Board has sole authority to determine whether a licence may or may not be granted.
The Cannabis Licensing Regulation requires that applicants meet criminal record check standards.
Applicants are encouraged to contact their local municipal governments to determine any local bylaws that pertain to their proposed cannabis retail operations.
Once the private cannabis retail market is established, the Yukon Liquor Corporation will focus on cannabis wholesale, e-commerce retail as well as regulatory compliance and enforcement.
Patch Groenewegen
Yukon Liquor Corporation