Premier Sandy Silver congratulates former Premier Tony Penikett on his appointment to the Order of Canada

Statement from Premier Sandy Silver:

I would like to congratulate former Premier Tony Penikett on his appointment to the Order of Canada. This is a well-deserved honour for Mr. Penikett in recognition of his many contributions to Canada as a negotiator, public servant, teacher and human rights activist.

Mr. Penikett’s contributions to Yukon include completion of the Umbrella Final Agreement between the Governments of Yukon, Canada and the Council for Yukon Indians (now the Council of Yukon First Nations). The Umbrella Final Agreement is a landmark framework for First Nations land claims and self-governance in the territory.

In his role as a legislator, public servant, advisor, educator, academic and author Mr. Penikett has shown generations of Yukoners and Canadians alike the value and results of hard work and determination, all while maintaining a great sense of humour and compassion.

To this day, Mr. Penikett remains a strong advocate for the North and continues to help all Canadians understand the complex history and challenges of northern living. On behalf of all Yukoners, congratulations to Tony Penikett. 

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

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