From June 26-27, 2023, Premier Ranj Pillai met with fellow provincial and territorial leaders at the Western Premiers' Conference in Whistler, B.C., discussing and deliberating on issues of importance to Canada’s seven western provinces and territories.
Topics of the premiers’ discussion sessions included the state of the economy in Western Canada, strategic infrastructure and trade corridors, energy security, climate action and sustainable development, immigration, labour markets and mobility, Arctic security and sovereignty, and community safety. Premier Pillai led the discussion sessions on the labour market, strategic infrastructure and trade corridors, and continuing to elevate the profile of Arctic security to the national stage.
In these discussion sessions, he highlighted the Yukon’s support for nation-building projects like hydroelectric grid interties and transportation infrastructure; the need to explore opportunities to streamline immigration and certification processes for health care workers; the distinct challenges faced by rural, northern, and remote communities, especially within the context of the Substance Use Health Emergency; and the continued importance of asserting Canadian sovereignty in the North.
The 2024 Western Premiers’ Conference will be held in the Yukon.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the Western Premiers issued a communiqué.
Ensuring positive relationships with western provinces and territories are essential to the future of the Yukon. The Western Premiers' Conference provides a platform to discuss shared priorities and collaboratively address issues crucial to the prosperity of Western Canada and the wellbeing of the people we serve. I look forward to building on these important discussions and advancing the Yukon’s interests on the national stage at the upcoming Council of the Federation meeting later this summer. I want to thank Premier Eby for his hospitality, as well as the other Western Premiers for a fulfilling day of discussions.
The Western Premiers’ Conference comprises provincial and territorial Premiers from Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Saskatchewan and the Yukon.
Attending forums like the Western Premiers’ Conference is part of Premier Pillai’s mandate letter commitment to “foster a respectful, inclusive, collaborative working relationship within our government and with the many stakeholders, partner governments and organizations who advocate on behalf of Yukoners.”
The Council of Federation summer meetings will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba from July 10-12, 2023.
The Yukon will host the next meeting of the Western Premiers’ Conference in summer 2024.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Myra Nicks
Communications, Executive Council Office