Pharmacists Regulation comes into effect this summer

The Government of Yukon has approved a new regulation for pharmacists and physicians who hold permits to dispense medications. The Pharmacists Regulation, which falls under the Health Professions Act, includes numerous new requirements that will support quality pharmaceutical dispensing practices and support pharmacists in providing expanded, quality pharmacy services to Yukoners.

The Regulation establishes clear licensing and practice standards for both pharmacists and physicians who hold permits to dispense in Yukon (also known as rural permit holders). These include new licensing requirements that are aligned with best practices and requirements in other Canadian jurisdictions.

The Regulation also broadens what pharmacists can currently do in Yukon, allowing them to extend, alter and substitute prescription medications under certain circumstances and administer certain drugs, including some vaccines.

The Pharmacists Regulation will take effect August 1, 2019, to allow sufficient time to work with pharmacists, rural permit holders and other stakeholders to support understanding of and compliance with the new regulation.

Pharmacists and doctors licensed to dispense medications are an important part of Yukon’s health system, providing services Yukoners rely on for their health and well-being. Accessing prescription medications will now be more convenient for Yukoners.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Quick facts
  • Pharmacists working in Yukon were previously regulated under the Pharmacists Act, which dates back to 1955 and no longer reflects best practices across Canada.

  • The new Pharmacists Regulation comes under the Health Professions Act and the Pharmacists Act will be repealed August 1, 2019, once the new Pharmacists Regulation comes into force.

  • The Pharmacists Regulation is one part of the Government of Yukon’s Pharmacy Initiative to update the territory’s legislation for pharmacists and pharmacies. The initiative also includes developing regulations for pharmacies and rural dispensaries under the Pharmacy and Drug Act, which is currently in progress.

Media contact

Lisa Bucher
Cabinet Communications

Odile Nelson
Communications, Community Services

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