Pharmacists to have new practice options during COVID-19 pandemic

The Government of Yukon has introduced temporary changes for pharmacists to ensure Yukoners can continue to safely access needed prescriptions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The changes will also support effective and efficient health care during this time.

Under these temporary changes, pharmacists will have new options for extending prescriptions and also a limited ability to initiate prescriptions. The temporary changes support Health Canada’s March 2020 exemption under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act to maintain Yukoners’ access to controlled substances for medical treatments. Minor changes to pharmacists’ licensing requirements ensure pharmacists are supported in their work and Yukoners have better access to pharmacy services.

During the pandemic, the Government of Yukon believes that relying on pharmacists’ expertise and discretion will better serve Yukoners. These temporary changes are effective immediately.

Quick facts
  • Yukon’s Pharmacists Regulation came into effect in 2019. The regulations, standards of practice, the Health Professions Act as well as federal regulations such as the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, dictate how pharmacists in the territory practice.

  • Canada issued a temporary exemption under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act in March 2020. This exemption was made in the public interest to support access to certain medications during the pandemic. Yukon is amending its regulations and standards of practice, in part, to facilitate this exemption in Yukon.

  • See backgrounder for a list of the key temporary changes.


The Government of Yukon has introduced temporary changes to how pharmacists can practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. These include changes to both pharmacists’ standards of practice and the Pharmacists Regulation. These short-term changes will ensure Yukoners can continue to safely access needed prescriptions.

These new rules include:

  • changes to how pharmacists can extend and initiate prescriptions;
  • changes to support Health Canada’s temporary exemption to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act; and
  • changes to some licensing requirements.

Pharmacists will use their professional discretion in deciding when to use the new practice options available to them. In making their decisions they will be guided by the need to ensure both public and patient safety.

Changes to how pharmacists can extend and initiate prescriptions

Pharmacists are now permitted to use their discretion to:

  • extend prescriptions following phone or video consult if in-person is not advisable;
  • initiate prescriptions for certain medical conditions; and
  • extend prescriptions up to 30 days more than once.

Changes to support exemptions under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act

Pharmacists are now permitted to use their discretion to:

  • transfer prescriptions for controlled substances to other pharmacies;
  • arrange for delivery of controlled substances under certain circumstances;
  • accept verbal orders from physicians for controlled substances; and
  • extend prescriptions for controlled substances.

Changes to licensing requirements

  • The Government of Yukon has made temporary changes to a few licensing requirements to ensure pharmacists can continue to practice in Yukon despite the fact that some exams and services have been cancelled.
  • These changes include changes to what documentation we require as well as changes to requirements for pharmacist provisional or intern licences.
  • Provisional licences are conditional licences in which licensees practice under supervision. These will now be temporarily available to new graduates who have not completed their qualifying examinations due to COVID-19 cancellations.


  • Changes related to Health Canada’s exemptions will remain in effect until Health Canada advises, or until September 30, 2020.
  • Other changes will be in place until 30-days after Yukon’s state of emergency is lifted or as otherwise directed by the Registrar.
Media contact

Odile Nelson
Communications, Community Services

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