Permanent funding for glucose monitors available to adult Yukoners

Yukoners over 18 years of age with type 1 diabetes will have access to fully-funded flash glucose monitors, starting October 1, 2020.

Glucose monitors can help individuals living with type 1 diabetes to better monitor their glucose levels.

Yukon is the first jurisdiction in Canada to provide coverage for continuous glucose monitors to individuals 18 years of age and younger, and joins Ontario and Quebec in providing coverage for flash glucose monitors.

If adults prefer to use a continuous glucose monitor, they can apply their flash glucose monitor coverage to the cost of a continuous glucose monitor. Adults with additional medical needs, for example dementia, can apply for full coverage of a continuous glucose monitor device. Adult Yukoners are encouraged to work with their health care professional to determine the most appropriate support to manage their diabetes.

We recognize the challenges Yukoners and families who live with type 1 diabetes face on a daily basis and we are committed to supporting them to live happy, healthy lives. This coverage will help adults living with type 1 diabetes in Yukon manage their condition and improve their quality of life.

Minister of Health and Social Services Pauline Frost

Diabetes Canada commends the Yukon government for adding coverage of flash glucose monitoring for adults with type 1 diabetes to its existing coverage of continuous glucose monitors for children with type 1. These devices are health-protecting and potentially life-saving for many people with diabetes. It is critically important that people with diabetes, in consultation with their health care providers, be able to access the glucose monitoring system that best meets their needs. Diabetes Canada acknowledges the dedication of community volunteers who have been advocating for this important policy and encourages other provinces and territories to follow suit and cover these life-changing devices.

President and CEO of Diabetes Canada Laura Syron

Quick facts
  • Physicians will apply for coverage on behalf of their patients.

  • It is estimated that up to approximately 250 people in Yukon have type 1 diabetes.

  • To be eligible for the benefit, Yukoners with type 1 diabetes who meet the benefit criteria must register with the Chronic Disease and Disability Benefit program at 867-667-5092. People aged 65 or older can contact the Pharmacare program at 867-667-5403.

  • A flash glucose monitors does not require a finger prick to monitor glucose levels, rather, a small sensor is inserted just under the skin of the upper arm, and when scanned every eight hours, it provides a current glucose reading and a continuous trend graph to a reader’s device.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Patricia Living
Communications, Health and Social Services
867- 335-1531

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